What's his secret? (7)

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Atsushi held out his arm for Akutagawa to hold. Akutagawa grimaces as he hesitates. A couple of seconds go by before Akutagawa decides to hold on to the were-tiger's arm for support. Atsushi walks Akutagawa down the stairs then to the sidewalk. The sun was barely starting to rise. The pair waited a couple of minutes, with Akutagawa coughing a bit. After a bit, a black vehicle pulls up. Surprisingly, Chuuya Nakahara, an executive, was the one driving. Akutagawa's sister was also sitting in the back seat, waiting to sit with her brother.

"Aku, come on" Chuuya seemed a bit aggravated and a bit hungover.

Gin opened the door from the inside and scooted away to give her brother room to sit. Akutagawa let go of Atsushi and took his seat next to his sister. He looked like he wanted to speak, but of course he couldn't. Chuuya tore his attention away from Akutagawa and faced Atsushi.

"Thanks for taking care of him, Atsushi. You probably had to deal with a stuck up brat for a while" Chuuya really sounded like a mom. Gin giggled a bit and Akutagawa didn't seem surprised by Chuuya's words.

"Yeah... It wasn't that easy. I understand that I'm his enemy but we have a truce right now." Atsushi said as he fidgeted with his hair a bit. Talking to mafia members is not easy.

"He probably refused to eat too..." Chuuya said a bit quieter as he faced the wheel in front of him. "Well we gotta go now" Chuuya waves before he speeds off.

Atsushi heads back to his dorm.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

"Dazai told me what was going on. He told me that you passed out TWICE. Even after the first time you really thought it was a good idea to go on the mission. I hate you looking up to Dazai. Atsushi also told him that you refused to eat again, and your voice is gone." Chuuya chuckles bitterly to himself. "You can't talk back now at least" He continues driving.

"Sometimes I refuse to believe you and Gin are siblings. You two are so different from each other." Chuuya sighs. "We're taking you to the hospital."

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Atsushi cleaned up around his dorm. He had tried to go back to sleep but his attempts had failed. He couldn't help but wonder who Akutagawa had feelings for. Sure, he told him that it was normal to have those feelings for people but from Akutagawa? That was unexpected.

The more Atsushi thinks he finally realizes that the cause could easily be Dazai. But Dazai had said that he had given Akutagawa his approval, and he had acknowledged his growing strength. Atsushi was there when it happened.

"This disease depends a lot on the person's mental idea of what is going on"

Atsushi remembers the book.

Does Akutagawa not believe that Dazai actually acknowledged him? Was that why he's still affected by the disease?

Atsushi picked up his phone and opened his conversation with Dazai.


A: Akutagawa doesn't believe that you actually

Acknowledged his strength

D: And you know that because he told you or...

A: He has Hanahaki

D: He has TB

A: And Hanahaki

D: How do you know?

A: He was coughing up flowers. Full flower heads. You're the only one who could've caused it.

D: Maybe he has a secret crush, you never know

A: It seems unlikely

D: Well shit...

Atsushi's phone rings. Dazai is calling.

"We need- No, you need to convince him that you actually think he's strong." Atsushi starts. He paces back and forth around his room.

"How should I do that?" Dazai asks.

"I-" He hadn't thought that far. "I-I don't know"

Dazai hums as he thinks of a plan. 

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Akutagawa couldn't object to the idea of visiting the hospital because of his lost voice. His face said it all, he did not want to go. The man hated hospitals for reasons unknown to anyone.

Gin wrapped her brother's arm around her shoulders, holding his hand for support. She wrapped her free arm around his waist. (There's a picture at the end to show how this looks)

The older sibling was embarrassed by the weakness he showed at the moment.

"Couldn't we have just went to Mr. Mori" Gin uttered. Clearly that wasn't an option when she saw the look on both Chuuya and her brother's faces.

"He won't help him," Chuuya muttered. Gin thought it best to stay quiet, it seemed to be an unpleasant thing to talk about.

The small group walked into the hospital. Chuuya explained Akutagawa's situation to the nurse. A nurse brought a wheelchair for Akutagawa, a safety precaution. Akutagawa quietly pleaded with Chuuya to let them leave but to no avail.

Chuuya followed the doctor as he wheeled Akutagawa to a room. Gin followed as well. 

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