Hospital Visit (8)

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Chuuya and Gin sit at Akutagawa's bedside as they wait for results on his tests. Akutagawa laid on the hospital bed as he thought of how stupid this was. Well, that's what Chuuya thought he was thinking. Akutagawa was actually panicking at the thought of the boss finding out and deeming him "weak".

Soon, a nurse knocked on the door. "May I come in?'

"Yeah, Sure" Chuuya groaned.

The doctor entered. It was a male doctor. He carried a clipboard like any cliche movie doctor. "We have your results." He speaks to Akutagawa but of course he doesn't answer, he probably wouldn't have answered either way. The doctor hands Akutagawa a notepad and a pen. "You can use this." Akutagawa takes the items. "You two are?" The doctor asks Chuuya and Gin.

"This is Gin Akutagawa, his sister," Chuuya points at the girl. The nurse seems surprised, but so is everyone when they learn Gin is a girl. "I'm Chuuya, not a relative, but one can't talk and the other doesn't talk a lot." Chuuya points at Akutagawa, then the man's sister.

"I see. Well, Mr. Akutagawa, I've been told that you already knew about your TB diagnosis." Akutagawa nodded, waiting for the second diagnosis. "You're aware that at this stage it can not be treated?" Again, he nodded. "Okay... We have been told that your symptoms have worsened and a few new symptoms have appeared. Is that correct" A nod "We've done some tests. You are not getting the nutrients you need, this can be caused by an eating disorder. You are also mildly dehydrated."

"Tch. Knew it" Chuuya mutters quietly, Gin glancing at him. She frowned a bit.

The doctor sighs before continuing. "We have discovered flowers growing in your lungs"

Both Chuuya and Gin's eyes widened. Chuuya lifts his head from its place on his propped up arm. "What..?" Chuuya murmured.

"It's called Hanahaki. It's caused by unrequited love or admiration. This disease can cause coughing up flower petals in the first stages and full flowers in the latest. You're entering the later stages. It can be treated with surgery. Though, it would be risky with your TB and probably wouldn't do much to lengthen your lifespan. You do have another-"

"Ryuu... You knew about this, didn't you.'' Chuuya cut off the doctor's sentence, his voice bitter. "Why didn't you tell me? We trust each other, right?"

Akutagawa refuses to answer, even if he does have a way to do so.

"Who- It's Dazai isn't it. What the hell Aku!" Chuuya quickly stands up from his seat.

"Please lower your voice, we have other patients."

Chuuya sits back down, he hides his anger.

Akutagawa expected Chuuya's reaction but seeing his sister's reaction killed him inside. She had tears in her eyes despite trying to stop Chuuya from crying.

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