After The Visit (11)

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"Oi, Atsushi!" A voice yelled the boy's name.

"H-huh?" The boy groaned as he slowly opened his eyes. He winced when the light hit his face. "What?"

"You fell asleep here last night." Chuuya was the one speaking. It didn't seem like he dressed up today, only wearing a gray tee and black sweatpants. Gin wasn't with him either.

When Atsushi moved, he felt something on his hand. When he directed his sight to his hand, he spotted a sleeping Akutagawa's hand on his own. He slowly moved his hand away, so he didn't wake the man. "I-I did?" Atsushi glanced at the window. Sure enough, the sun was rising.

"Yeah. A nurse checked up on you two last night, and both of you were asleep." Chuuya smirked. "You two getting close?" He glanced at Akutagawa, who was still sleeping.

"Kinda... He keeps pushing me away."

"He does that to people... I don't know what caused it, but I think it was Dazai."

"You blame Dazai a lot."

"Yeah? Well, he did a lot." Chuuya said under his breath. "You should get back to the agency. You have work today, don't you?"

"Ah! Yeah! I have to go." Atsushi jumped up from his seat, making sure he had his stuff and rushed out. "I'll be back later!"

Chuuya weakly waved, even if Atsushi couldn't see it.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

"I'm H...Here." Atsushi busted into the agency's office. He was sweaty and panting to catch his breath. He had run straight from the hospital to the office.

"Atsushi? Where were you this morning?" Kunikida pressed.

"A-Akutagawa's in the hospital, and I-I just really wanted to visit." Atsushi blurted.

"Huh. Is that so?"

"Yeah..?" meant to be a statement but came out sounding like a question.

"Catch up on your work." Kunikida said. "Dazai and I finished the mission. Turns out that the man did live at the address."

"W-Well, that's good!" Atsushi played with his hair nervously.

"Get to work." Kunikida re-adjusted his glasses as he spoke.

Atsushi walked to his desk next to Dazai, who laid his head on his desk. He opened his laptop to catch up on his work. He also had to finish his and Dazai's portions of paperwork.

"Dazai..." Atsushi tried to talk to the brunet, not knowing if the man was actually asleep.

"Yeah?" Dazai slowly lifted his head to face Atsushi. "What is it?" Dazai placed his head on his hand.

"You should visit Akutagawa. He wants to see you." Atsushi continued his work as he spoke. He soon copied Dazai's position, resting his head on his hand while facing Dazai. "I don't think Chuuya is mad enough to not let you see Akutagawa. Plus, Akutagawa would probably ask to see you either way."

Dazai seemed to not have an excuse not to visit. He guessed he wouldn't be harsh this time 'round. "Maybe I will,"

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

There was only one reason why he hated seeing Akutagawa. That reason was that Akutagawa was his walking regret, his reminder of his past self. He would always think back to his mafia self. He thought of that cruel, broken boy that killed with no hesitation, hurt with no hesitation.

It wasn't just Akutagawa that triggered those thoughts. It was all of the mafia. It was everyone in the mafia who reminded him, except for Chuuya. Chuuya was an exception. Chuuya had "joined on his own accord." Dazai didn't think that was the case, but he seemed more comfortable with the mafia than Akutagawa, who basically feared the mafia. He had admitted to only staying for Dazai's approval and Gin's safety.

"I hate it here, I'm not safe, but I'll stay for Gin's safety and until you acknowledge my strength!"

(Sry for the short chapter)

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