Investigation Situation (4)

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Both Atsushi and Akutagawa had been given wigs to wear for the mission. Their wigs were almost the same as they're own hair but with different styles. Akutagawa's wig was a short black wig, without his iconic white tipped side locks. Atsushi's was in a similar style, silver without the side lock.

The two had been assigned to check out the port and were sent on their merry way.

"It's... Here." Atsushi stopped quickly, Akutagawa almost running into him. "This is where the reports have led us." Atsushi said. The pair had been following a map from Atsushi's phone.

"Don't stop so quickly!" Akutagawa raised his voice at the tiger boy.

"Sorry.." Atsushi 'Apologized.'

"You better be.." Akutagawa growled out, his hand covering his mouth.

"We just have to make it one day without fighting and it'll be over" Atsushi uttered. Akutagawa scoffed.

Atsushi peered around the corner of the building that they hid behind. Sure enough, there were groups of well-dressed men surrounding the port. Some of the men were armed.

"Amatures..." Akutagawa chuckled at the men. "Why would you so obviously arm yourself like that? They were bound to get reported" The man sighed. "Now let's kill them and get out of here"

"No! No! No! We were told we're only supposed to investigate the port, not slaughter people!" Atsushi cried. "I know you want to get this over with, I do too, but I'd rather not get in trouble with the president. And I don't think you would want to get in trouble with Mr. Mori."

Akutagawa hated the thought of getting called to the boss's office and getting reprimanded. "Fine... What do we do?"

Atsushi tapped his chin in thought. The wait was aggravating, especially to Akutagawa. Finally, the were-tiger jumped up with a plan. He began explaining,"Maybe we can pretend to be one of the smugglers!" It was a stupid but simple idea.

"And how do we do that?" Akutagawa questioned.

"Uh..." Atsushi hadn't thought that far,

"So, you really have no plan," Akutagawa said before getting shushed by Atsushi.

"Shush! I'm thinking" Atsushi held a finger up at Akutagawa's face. Akutagawa stepped back a bit before moving Atsushi's hand out of his face.

"How about we knock them out and take the uniforms from them. It's not killing anyone."

"Yeah, But it is hurting them and we don't want to attract attention!"

"So you have a better idea?" Akutagawa's gaze hardened. Atsushi, a bit intimidated, sighed before he finally spoke up.

"Okay.. Just don't make a big scene and try not to hurt them too bad" Akutagawa finally started to walk towards the port. He was careful not to be spotted and Atsushi followed his lead.

There were men sneaking big, wooden crates onto a boat. They all wore similar brown coats, black button ups and black slacks

The silver haired boy was silent as he let the mafioso lead the way. He wondered if the president had requested Akutagawa because of his knowledge of the Port. The black haired man knew where to go where people wouldn't see the pair. They hid behind a wall of a building as they watched 2 men walk by, talking to each other.

"I will get them, move" Akutagawa moved the were-tiger out of the way before activating Rashoumon. Rashoumon made its way toward the two men quickly. It wrapped itself around their necks. Soon, the two were lifted into the air. Atsushi looked away from the morbid sight. The men weren't fighting back so he didn't need to really do anything.

The two were unconscious in an unnaturally quick amount of time.

"What happened? What did you do to them?" Atsushi said as he got closer to the two unconscious men on the ground.

"It's a pressure point. I won't explain it now. Now, get changed" Akutagawa instructed as he turned around, away from the boy, allowing him to change. That is what he did and let Akutagawa change.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

"I'll apologize to Naomi-chan later, those disguises really went to waste" Atsushi frowned a bit to himself as he waited for Akutagawa to change.

"She should've expected this." Akutagawa spoke. Atsushi had thought that meant that he was done. He turned around. The man actually pulled the outfit off. His mouth hung a gape.

"You look- You look nice!" He said with a smile. Akutagawa's eyes had widened. He hadn't been complimented like that in a long while and from the were-tiger?

Cough! Cough!

'Dammit! Not here! Not here in front of him'

The man collapsed before he began to cough. Blood came seeping through his fingers as he covered his mouth. He also had a hand over his chest, his lungs burned severely. He struggled to breathe as he coughed.

Atsushi tried to help him up. "Akutagawa!?" He panicked. Soon, his face had snapped to the side. He held a hand to his cheek and only registered what happened after a few seconds. The man on the ground had slapped him. It was a few moments before the man spoke after barely pulling himself together.

"Don't... touch me" He breathed heavily. He spoke with a raspy voice again. "Don't ever touch me again," he repeated. He breathed harshly, trying to catch his breath. "We need to finish the damn mission!" He got to his feet, still a bit wobbly.

Atsushi still offered a hand for Akutagawa, but as expected, he refused and stood up on his own. " I don't need your help" Akutagawa's tone became more hostile by the minute. Atsushi thought it might be a good idea to hurry.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Shin Soukoku made their way into the ship, keeping their heads down. They needed to stay out of sight as much as they could. They observed the mens' actions. They watch the men load the ship. There were a few papers that the members held or had in their pockets that Atsushi had noticed. He lifted his hand to tap Akutagawa on the shoulder.

'Don't ever touch me again'

His hand lowered before he spoke up. "Akutagawa?"

"Hmm?" He hummed in acknowledgement.

"Have you noticed that these men are carrying papers with them?" he subtly pointed to a man who was reading the paper. They kept their voices down to not be heard.

Akutagawa eyed the paper and the men who carried the papers, waiting for an opportunity to grab a paper with Rashoumon. One man walked past them, the paper sat in his back pocket. Akutagawa covered his mouth as he activated Rashoumon. He carefully grabbed the paper from the man's pocket, making sure not to draw attention. The two waited for the man to leave their view before unfolding the small paper.

There will be an emergency meeting held in room 098.

That was all that was written on the small paper.

Akutagawa scoffed at the note. "They're lucky that no one has lost these papers. They clearly have no idea what they're doing. They most likely wouldn't go through with their threat."

"We should still be careful." Atsushi warned. Akutagawa didn't say anything. He started walking as Atsushi followed like a dog.

After a few minutes of almost mindless wondering, they found themselves in front of a door labeled '098'

"Are we really attending the meeting? What if they find us out?"

"Just don't do anything stupid and we'll be fine." Akutagawa clicked his tongue.

(A/N I really don't know how i'm going to write this out. I just wanted them to go on a mission but I didn't plan out what the mission would be TnT. I still need some more ideas.)

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