Help (9)

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"Sorry Atsushi~ Chuuya's calling~ "Dazai said "I'll call later"

"Okay-" And before Atsushi could finish speaking, Dazai had hung up.

Dazai tapped on the green button on the screen of his phone. "Hey Chuuya~" Dazai started off with a cheery, childish tone.

"Stop it, Dazai. Akutagawa is in the hospital because of you"

"Huh" Dazai acted like he didn't know what Chuuya was talking about. "Why is he there? I thought he refused to get medical attention."

"Me and Gin made him. He's in horrible condition. His TB, ED, dehydration, and..." Chuuya swallowed before continuing. "He has Hanahaki, for you." He left out the part about the were-tiger being another main attribute.

Dazai acted shocked, like he just found out about this. Chuuya scoffed from the other side of the line.

"Dazai... I'm not that stupid! I know that stupid, fake confused voice. I was your partner for 3 years. I'm used to your tricks." Chuuya paused for a second. "Why can't you finally acknowledge that he's grown stronger."

"I-I have. What did the doctor say about the disease?"

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"The disease is caused by their mental image. He may think that he's not strong enough" Chuuya muttered something too quiet to make out. "Chuuya, I swear that I do see his strength. He needs to see it in himself to get better."

"And if you really cared, you would help him see that in himself."

"And I will."

Chuuya sighed. "You're not the only one- wait- no-" Chuuya sputtered. "Forget I said anything. I'm not going to expose him like you did to him with Atsushi." Dazai guessed that Akutagawa told Chuuya about the events that had happened earlier. He didn't wish to press on further.

"Okay, well I'm going to hang up.." Dazai didn't let Chuuya say anything more before he hung up. He was quick to text Atsushi, since he was the one that was so worried about Akutagawa for the past 2 days.

🐱Sushi 🐱

Chuuya told me that Akutagawa is in the hospital

At least he'll be in good care. Maybe he'll get better.

You should visit him.

No way

He hates me

You can go yourself

Chuuya's mad at me


Do you have the room number?


I'll ask Chuuya

Hopefully he'll answer


Dazai switched over to his conversation with Chuuya.


What's the room number?

200, You're coming?

Atsushi is


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Atsushi's day off was today so he wasn't in a rush to do anything. He grabbed the water bottles that he had placed in the fridge because neither of them were touched, his keys, and his phone. He headed out the door, locking it before he left.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

"Uh- My name is Nakajima Atsushi. I'm here to visit Akutagawa Ryuunosuke." He had never used Akutagawa's first name like that. Atsushi fidgeted with his keys as he waited for the front desk lady to write him a visitor's badge.

Atsushi had never really been a fan of medical settings, they freaked him out. He never knew why.

"Here you go." The lady said happily as she handed Atsushi the visitor's badge. Atsushi took the badge and stuck it to his chest. He thanked the lady as he headed to Akutagawa's room.

Atsushi got a bit lost before he stumbled across room 200. Atsushi took one more deep breath before knocking.

"It's Atsushi. May I come in?"

"Come in," Chuuya replied from inside.

When Atsushi walked in, Akutagawa was unconscious with a monitor and an IV attached to him. He looked a lot worse than he did earlier that morning.

He glanced at Chuuya and Gin. Gin had fallen asleep on Chuuya's shoulder and Chuuya was on his phone. Atsushi had noticed Akutagawa wasn't in his usual dark get-up, he was wearing a hospital gown. His clothing had been placed on the bedside table.

Atsushi pursed his lips. He didn't know what he was hiding but he covered his face with his hand.

"He's been out for 2 hours. He had a coughing fit." Chuuya informed Atsushi about the situation.


Atsushi noticed the heart rate monitor displayed Akutagawa's rising heart rate. Atsushi looked back at Akutagawa, who had seemed to be sweating and making faces of discomfort. From what Atsushi had seen, he guessed that he might've been having a nightmare or he was in pain. Either way, Atsushi though It'd be best if he woke him up.

He walked over hesitantly. He stood next to the bed before tapping Akutagawa's shoulder. "Akutagawa." He spoke softly so he didn't startle the man awake. "Akutagawa? Are you okay?"

Akutagawa's eyes slowly opened. He blinked a bit to focus his vision. Once Atsushi noticed that Akutagawa had opened his eyes, he handed him the notepad and pen from the bedside.

"Are you okay? You were sweating in your sleep."

Akutagawa lifted his hand to his cheek, and indeed, there was sweat. He then grabbed the notepad and pen. He wrote "What are you doing here?"

"I came to check up on you. Dazai said he would've come for a visit but Chuuya's mad at him and he has the mission." He checked behind him, Chuuya had earbuds in and seemed to have fallen asleep as well. Atsushi had lied, he was trying to make the man believe that Dazai cared for him. He'd rather not get caught in the act

Akutagawa would keep writing something then cross it out. He was having trouble thinking of a good response. He didn't end up answering, but coughing. More crimson blood and burgundy petals.

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