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I winced when the sunlight fell into my eyes as I woke up hearing the irritating calls of my irritating brother. I brushed my teeth, took a bath and wore the navy blue flower printed long dress, I combed my long wavy brown hair into a ponytail and walked out. down the hall I could see Eugene and rose sitting beside each other eating. they greeted me when I entered their sight. I sat on the comfy chair and started eating. After I ate I went to the kitchen there I could see our old cook Mrs Olivia. We treated her like our mother after we lost our parents but its past now. I extended my arms to grab the 2 bags filled with bread. Its my secret; I every day go to the area of my friends and help them fill their stomach by eating the lip smacking bread by Mrs Olivia. I hugged and bid my goodbyes and left.

I left the main gate of our huge mansion I could see the Beautiful outside, Everywhere Cleanliness, Good atmosphere, people greeting each other. I scoffed, "All Fake; and made from stealing the peace of other people." I plastered a fake smile on my face; took a deep breath and stepped forward.

 I nearly reached but I saw a man probably from the pathetic royal court according to his attire. He was pushing a skinny old man sweeping the streets. I walked a bit to eavesdrop. "You stupid thing, Don't you understand how to work properly, look I can see a bit of dust on my shoes. Clean It NOW!!!!!" This scared the man I felt very bad for him. "Yes!! Y-yes Sir" he begged forgiveness and removed his already torn shirt in and wiped his shoes. In return jerk just kicked him on the ground. This made my blood boil to its last point. I approached near him and smirking punched him in the private part; I kicked on his calf hard making him fall eventually breaking his stubby nose. I helped up the man up and sneaked a bread in his hands whispering, 'Eat it.' "Bless you darling, I'll pray to god you have a nice life." He smiled making my heart melt; It felt so nice helping people. I scurried out of the sight before that stubby could see me.

I entered a alley not bright nor hygienic but a real world. There I saw my bestie Jewel around a corner providing food to and old lady. "Hey Jewel" I waved aggressively trying to get her attention she turned around and raised an eyebrow at me, "Your late; AGAIN!" 

 "I'm sorry overslept He He!" I didn't want to tell her what happened she gets a little overworried. "I still don't understand how can you manage to sleep to much, I mean you can even sleep in a dustbin " "Look Jewel your best friend is so talented." She smacked my head mouthing 'sleepyhead'.

Jewel's father owns a restaurant around the corner so they provide them with leftovers or fresh foods. "Jewel, you had called me early today; is there some problem." I spoke up after sometime still distributing the bread. "Not really a problem but a news. I got the invitation from the royal castle yesterday and........." "And what??" "And that vampire kingdom Haemoon wants peace with Humans....Also they want a girl from our kingdom to be betrothed to any one of their 3 princes."

 I felt my jaw touch the ground. "Thena, there's more...... they came to our kingdom 1 day ago; there's a royal ball for selection tomorrow night." My brain refused to move. "But w-Why do they want peace and WHY we agreed aren't they our ENEMY and-And..... Marriage." She calmed me down but the hurricane of confusion, anger and fear still was alive inside just waiting to burst on those freaking monsters. I felt nervous because if she got I will ofcourse get because I am the sis of The Royal General. I hated him sometimes.

Jewel's words were still ringing in my head. Thinking about the poor girl they'll torture after marriage. I shook my head shooing the thoughts and resumed in the present. I carried my last bread but I saw a little girl crying. And guess who she was, Ali a little 8 year old we met 3 years ago since then we became best friends we took care of her after her parents were beheaded my the jerk king and only family left was us and her older brother In small steps I went towards her, she flinched when she saw me afraid that I might be some soldier. I slowly showed her the food in my hand. without saying anything she grabbed the box. My eyes stinged with tears about how desperately she was eating. She was very cute but skinny and covered in dirt. 'Why do they do this; don't they have enough already' I sat beside her patting her pretty golden hair. 

I gave her water after she finished eating and I asked, "What's wrong Ali, you didn't even hug me today and where's Hans" but without asking she wrapped her tiny arms around my waist and started crying "Thena those soldiers killed him" my eyes widened and just then jewel came and sat in front of me with her eyes raining with tears, instead of ali she answered the hundreds of questions popping inside. "last night there wasn't enough food for all of them so Hans and 1 more boy went out for food but sadly caught by soldiers and......" 

My dress was getting wet due to Ali's tears but I didn't care I hugged her tightly. How could they do this don't they have humanity. Hans was just 17 and they other boys were young too. That's it now they are going to regret doing this, I will take my friends revenge. may it be violent or non-violent. After few hours of supporting Ali and other parents we left. But Jewels words were going on in my head. There is no way I am not invited I am the sis of the royal general. But that also may be a good opportunity.

On the way we maintained an awkward silence but atlast Jewel broke it murmuring, "The girl sure will be unlucky but still lucky. I've heard the princes of Haemoon are very handsome and charming. And they are wealthy too. Only if the chosen lady would supply a little money to us we could give them all a house to live, provide enough food, more facilities." 

My ears perked up to what she said. A sly plan cooked in my head, I whispered leaning towards her, "Hey Jewel why don't we steal the royal treasure of Kingdom Sieria?"

Readers for your Reference and imagination of Characters I will Upload few pics of my characters in each chapters.

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THE HUMAN PRINCESS   :    THE HAEMONLUNA TRILOGYWhere stories live. Discover now