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Jewel and I were again roaming on the streets. It was still 11:30 in the morning if you could see the sun's position. I remembered what she said earlier in my room. 'If you could be the selected princess then I know you might make both our and Haemoon prosper. You have the capability to turn the worst people into good.'  But I knew a princess needs to be Elegant, Beautiful and womanly and I am non of this things so my chances are less. Being a princess is one heck of a job which I reject. Also I prefer girls a lot. Jewel still pokes me about my walk as she thinks It's Manly and not Womanly. 

In between the royal castle came in the way. We could see the crowd of some flower girls; Long and free hair, pastel dresses and makeup unlike me a thorn they say; they were soft like flowers. I intervened hands with my bestie and rushed inside the crowd to see what is the latest news. Pushing lightly the beautiful flowers aside we came in front, Jewel was wearing a simple pink dress and light makeup but I was the only one in navy blue dress without any make up It felt awkward for standing out from the crowd. But I felt nice surrounded by girls.

 Sometimes only sometimes I hated girls. They were pathetic, too dependent on men and screaming when they see a young male as if they saw a ghost infront. Just like they are doing now, Screaming and acting like their soul is leaving their body.......ridiculous but still that doesn't change the fact that they are pretty.

I looked at the direction the girls were staring and could see two young men. I first thought they must be the two of the four princes of our Kingdom but they seemed much older. I scoffed to see their ridiculously handsome faces and......glowing red eyes. My eyes darkened and eyed down to make sure I had a dagger in my boots. But they were practicing .....Archery. Wow; how pathetic even for them.

 "OMG!! PRINCES YOU ARE SO HANDSOOOMMMEEE!!!!" And my ears and head are Exploooddinngg! "Shut up bish!!" jewel screamed along the crowd and I giggled.

Even though they looked brothers both had different hair colours, One who seemed older had black hair and the younger and innocent looking which he was not, had little long and golden hair. Don't know why but I liked their hair. It seemed so fluffy and silky shining in the sunlight, Unlike mine rough and hard. I so wanted to touch it......and Scrap it out from the roots and pop their bloody red eyes. 

But this is confusing me. Aren't vampires like mindless creatures only thirsty for blood, they had really large fangs and couldn't even stay a second in the sunlight and here they are normal like humans but pale skin and red eyes, I couldn't see their fangs and two were easily practicing archery in bold sunlight. I was so shocked they were not like the vampires people told us or the ones I saw. This is a big mystery. I suppose maybe they are human-vampire hybrids but that also doesn't make sense.

I scrunched my nose when the black haired creature blew a kiss in our direction resulting the other one to squint in our eyes and more noise pollution around us. At some point I am starting to think the princes are ghosts. 

Jewel who wasn't a part of it annoyingly grabbed me and we left the place. "Do this girls have no self-respect, just start screeching and get crazy when you see a boy. they embaress girls like us and now all boys think we are attention seekers.!!" Well Jewel was correct they did embaress us.


It was 5:30 in the evening and we were all set to shop the best dresses out the store. The two best friends along with their overprotective supervisors met outside the store 'GRAND GOWN SHOP' Wow so 'GRAND'. 

The store known to have the finest dresses and tailors in the whole kingdom. We entered the store and Rose, Jewel and Mrs Theira standing running here & there like kids released in the play ground. Meanwhile I was just roaming around trying to find the simple and dress represented me. I barely going to attend the ball due to the robbery. This continued for hours and at last finished. I found myself a perfect, pretty and simple dress. It was a beautiful red ballgown, well red was on of my favourite colours, The dress was revealing but I loved it. I took it and presented it to Rose with my cutest smile. 

" Thena this dress it too simple and look I found a dress for you" she showed me the dress and I immediately pouted It was a baby pink heavily embroidered dress, gosh I think rose is losing her sense of fashion. It looked so ugly. I argued with rose, " But Rose this dress is so pretty, simple yet pretty. I will only wear this dress or I'm not coming to the ball." behind rose Jewel gasped and I really hope rose agrees or else no heist. 

I happily hopped out of the store because rose agreed to buy me the dress. ' Rose pretended to think deeply and huffed, "Okay okay fine but you are coming to the ball!" "Oh yeah of course" I replied with all my attention towards hugging the dress.'

Here's the dress Thena was boasting about😎

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I won't reveal the names now, but eventually in the story when the name reveal happens again I will upload the pics. ; )

Black haired creature

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Black haired creature

Not so innocent ,innocent boy

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Not so innocent ,innocent boy

Please imagine they both have red eyes. Thankyou and I want to say the pic do not belong to me they belong to their owner and I am kindly borrowing them.

THE HUMAN PRINCESS   :    THE HAEMONLUNA TRILOGYWhere stories live. Discover now