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' Good Evening dear Subjects of  Kingdom Sieria and Haemoon.

It's an Honour to have you all at the night ball of us royals. Now we shall continue the night by The Selection Ceremony for the princess and  wife to any one vampire prince. Each of the beautiful ladies of kingdom Sieria will make the competition exciting as Sieria is a kingdom full of charms and beauties. A perfect lady shall be chosen for the future of kingdom Haemoon the empire of vampire. The chosen lady's name shall be written by gold in the history to be the sign of peace between great 2 rival kingdoms.

We welcome each of you to the grand selection.'

Suddenly the drum started beating which shocked jewel who was now jumping like a hare. Again those 3 monkeys. I was a bit far from them so only thing that was visible was their hairs. At the left was the blond dude, middle was the blackhead and right was the orange fruit. Smiling and waving at the people/girls screaming out loud. Me and eugene both felt betrayed when rose joined the gang. All the three monkeys sat on the decorated the throne; ofcourse they have money for this but not for providing food for their own people. My blood was boiling from the feeling of Ali crying on my lap and scene of Hans getting killed in front of me. The croaking voice of a old man who had suprisingly long beard announcing the name list made me scrunch my nose. As I saw Rhodes besides the Vamp king I smiled and remembered I had to go. "Jewel, I going to the treasury, after maximum 45 mins meet me behind the horse stables." I whispered into jewel's ears and hugged her tightly I need that comfort to provide me courage, still a part of me imagine's me being either being in the darkest corner of prison my skin kissed with blood and whip marks or let me getting hanged rope clenching my neck ripping my life apart. Finished I placed a kiss on her cheek and left smiling idiotically.

I met my eyes with the four bodygaurds up to down staring at the fragile cute and handsome girl in front of them no other than me. Hair flip. In soft voice I made an excuse to restroom and stormed out. In restroom I removed my dress and adjusted my theft outfit. Black as the night perfectly hugging my body revealing my figure of broad hips. Unfortunately it only covered till by breast the upper portion was bare. I slipped the red hankerchief on my face hiding my lips and nose and the rest covered with my open hair. 

Finally I reached the treasury after a blood bath in the corridor. But the golden door now with splattered blood of soldiers was ....closed. "Really all the hardwork and kill just for me to face this!" Angrily I kicked the door resulting in a groan both from the door and my mouth. I was holding my leg up and jumping around making stiffened sounds. But wait when we were given a tour their was a small window and if I remembered it right there was a branch of banyan tree near the window. These royals are so stupid. Anyone could easily climb the tree and loot the treasure. Royals are very defective they neither have a brain or heart and Hands but won't do anything themselves and only their mouth is functional for spitting orders.

Quite as the mouse I sneaked and conformed myself that royals don't even have eyes. Now the tough part, With closed eyes I jumped at my highest potential and catched the lowest branch. Forcing myself up I catched the middle branch. The cracks in the tree slithered like a snake towards me. I grabbed the stem firmly and saw the branch touch the grass making a thrashing sound! Somehow I climbed up to hide in the dense leaves to avoid the soldiers. From the gap between leaves, "How did this thing fall, is there some intruder." "Meh! must have fallen due to wind after all it looks pretty weak. let's not waste time here shall we. Quickly go inside so many girls have come I will even show you my fiancee'." I loosed the grip on stem when I felt them go. Sliding up with my legs I moved up till I reached the branch closest to the window. My legs shaking with every step I take, controlling my eyes to look straight up but still looking down to the green grass lawn which appears soft but surely break every bone in my body if I went into it's arms. I closed my eyes making everything around me blur and just thinking of Ali.....Hans. As Hans face came in front of me I mindlessly jumped and caught the edge of the window just in time. But my hands were too sweaty from the nervousness sliping my hand from the grip. Lifting my one leg up I barely climbed in the room. The room was shining like made out of real gold. A huge crystal chandelier on top making me imagine it falling on me. The floor so white that even one piece of dust could be clearly visible and The huge gold paved door excited for me to open it and empty all the loads it carries. My legs automatically moved forward as the greed caught my hand and made my way towards the door. Here I was standing in front of the solution to all my friends, family and my problems.............MONEY, JEWELS,  GOLD, THE ROYAL TREASURE.

Hello there👋 my dear readers Sry I updated after a long time. But I present you with another chapter. I really hope you enjoy it and don't forget to Comment.❤️

The heist suit of our little theif

The heist suit of our little theif

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THE HUMAN PRINCESS   :    THE HAEMONLUNA TRILOGYWhere stories live. Discover now