👑 CHAPTER-12 👑

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Rhodes rushed towards the scene with the soldiers and I was pulled in middle surrounded by the princes, Protecting me.

This time I let them Protect me. Because I Feel scared. Of that Monster. I saw the soldiers brutally beating it and ending its pity life with a Stab in a heart with a wooden stake. I wonder where that stake come from. The king and all the 3 queens came and stood with us under the protection of soldiers.

Rhodes approached us with half his face with blood, the Red Blood shining on his face appearing almost Black. " Your majesties, we have checked the surrounding area and it's all clear. It was just one."

"Hmm, Make sure It doesn't come again " The king warned all the soldiers and ordered them to be alert at all time.

"Where will we sit now Father?, our carriage's wheel is destroyed." Darius said asking a logical question which seemed illogical to me.

"Can't you fly? After all you are Vampires." I interrupted and everyone stared at me, each with different expressions.

"Yes we can Fly but what about you, You are a human. We cannot just leave Our Future wife here." Orangutan smirked leaving me speechless.

After a boring discussion it was decided that we 4 would ride on horse and the soldiers sitting on the horse with fly above protecting us And I had one problem I was scared of riding horses. Yet I showed some courage and hesitantly agreed, Don't want to look weak. Although I am the weakest here.

With Sheer difficulty I climbed the horse and we started moving forward. I was looking a little too unprofessional and Weird Riding what feared me but everyone around seemed to Ignore the fact and minded their own business for the first time.

My eyes felt super heavy and blurred the things around. The temperature continued cooling and trees getting denser & Taller perfectly hiding what exists below with their shadows. Mist Expanded itself like a king expanding his empire, Thoroughly claiming the land making it impossible to see what lies below..

Soon we crossed path with a wildly flowing River. It's speed was severely fast and icy foam forming on water. Under the guidance of Rhodes we Slowly progressed across the river. For once I imagined falling and drowning away due to high flow of water but the Horse was surprisingly very Strong and effortlessly walked in the River.

After Successfully Passing we Met the Mist. This time it was different than the one we encountered.

The mist Smoothly Blended with the Air and looked super Satisfying. Fiery Red mixed with Icy blue. Violet with Emerald green and Coal black. It Looked Marvellous. It was Far more Condensed than Before, also the path they were moving on slowly became Narrower with each step they took. The path got surrounded by Mountains, huge Rocks. Then the path got so small that we had to form a queue. There an enormous Mountain shaped oval in middle leaving space for us to go through, It was like a gate.

It Was The Gate Of Haemon..................

As soon as the Horse along with me stepped in the gate I felt a totally different aura hitting me. The nature was beautiful, though the palates were not the same with my kingdom. Moon looked very Big; Shining Brightly and strongly making me feel a bit refreshed. The air was calm and cool making drying away our tiredness. The scene was Ethereal.









THE HUMAN PRINCESS   :    THE HAEMONLUNA TRILOGYWhere stories live. Discover now