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When one of the queen asked us to get in we immediately followed and Blackhead offered me his hand. Unfortunately everyone was watching so I accepted it and slowly sat inside. This was worst when all the 3 princes sat in one carriage.... WITH ME.

"What are you all doing here with me?" I raised my eyebrow at the blondie as he sat beside me. That's when I heard his voice for the first time; It wasn't husky, scary or intimidating like his brothers. It was soft and soothing, "I thought you were uncomfortable with Darius so I sat beside you." "All of you and all Vampires make me uncomfortable!" I shot back immediately making orange laugh, "Well then You are going to be uncomfortable for the rest of your whole life." Both the brothers who sat in front of me smirked as I hinted them for being annoyed. Slowly I felt the cart start and I scooted to the corner leaving one finger distant; I guess that's pretty distant.

That's when the reality slapped me. I was leaving my home, my friends, my family to settle with some unknown vampires who even might torture me. I don't want this to happen. I don't want to Marry them. I Don't Want To Marry Anyone. I just want to Stay at home with my loved ones......'I Don't Want To Leave.'

I felt my eyes tears welp up. I tried to control my tears yet eyes drew moist and lips trembled badly. I Just Want To Go Home. I cried my heart out but maintained silence not letting them know. I wiped my face and looked up to find the brothers in front fast asleep.

How shameless! Here I'm crying, away from my home.........Scared and they are deeply sleeping ; It was still afternoon now anyway. I felt like an abandoned kitten without it's mother. Alone. Now I didn't care if they all noticed me I sobbed hard, Water falling continuously and desperate and horrible cries out of my mouth. I just want someone to hug me console me and just spoil me Now.

I don't remember How many hours did I cried but It felt refreshing. I don't want to admit but I am a crybaby. But I just love crying. It feels good!

I wiped off my eyes and felt them getting heavy. I closed them into darkness and Fell into the hands of The most amazing, wonderful, stress relieving and best thing in the world............My precious Sleep....




I woke up as the cart shaked violently . I looked around me everyone was asleep with their heads lying opposite to eachother.

I slightly pulled the curtains making way for the Pleasant moonlight to enter inside. I leaned on the window railing and dreamily stare at the beautiful trees as we passed the forest when a voice emerged behind me, "Like the View, Miss Dessert. It's Our forest. "

I just want to ENJOY the view....but NO! They had to be nosey and ruin my amazing moment.

I remembered a trick my brother told me when I used to get bullied earlier, 'If someone bully u in a rude way then just try to be nice to them. After sometime they will stop bothering you as they will realize their trick isn't working on you. It's the ultimate weapon.'

"Yes your highness, It is indeed very pretty. I see all of you have slept well. Are you hungry?" Oh the reactions on their faces were priceless; The blondie was looking shocked while blackhead raised his eyebrows at me; doubting. The orangutan furrowed his brows sadly only for few seconds until he lazily smirked.

His lips just parted when, a loud thud broke out, slightly inclining our cart on the blond prince's side. Due to the force I fell forward laying my weight on the Prince. I widened my eyes and quickly retracted causing the vehicle to loose more balance and turn.

"Just Stop moving Dessert!" I was startled by the rough voice of the orange haired prince. According to his expressions he was clearly irritated by moving here and there. But the thing the scared me the most was his.....Fangs!

Sharp as tiger's claws, white as pearl. It was surprisingly longer and bigger than other two and almost all his teeth were long and sharp. Intimidated I stood still until the door opened, revealing Rhodes and other two soldiers behind him. Slowly we all came out of the fallen cart whose wooden wheel was broken.

"Are you all okay, did anyone get hurt?" Rhodes asked with his eyes only on me. But I shook him off, I was still angry at him for not helping me before. He understood my sign and left to investigate the cause of the broken wheel.

While all of them went to check-out the wheel. I adored the dark vibes the forest was giving.

The trees were covered with icy mist and clouds no where to be seen, Making the soothing moonlight to tear the air; radiating calm. Feeling the frosty wind gently touching my exposed skin. I released out a satisfying sigh creating the bluish fog come out of my mouth.

The small act surprisingly made me happy and I laughed wanting to let out more fog. It made me feel like a dragon.

Suddenly I saw bloody red light emerging in front of me following with a frightening growl. It slowly became larger and voices of dry grass getting stepped on were heard. My heartbeats increased but Before I could see it properly my shoulder was pulled backwards with full force. I found myself behind the back of an Orangutan. I peeked in curiosity. That's when It jumped out on us. But the prince threw him back with force that he ended up in the bushes at few distance.

I screamed loud and started sobbing as I saw it's horrible face and reddish blood dripping eyes. If it wasn't him standing in front of I would be ripped into pieces for sure.

The creature seemed like he his soul was sucked out brutally. Porcelain white and wrinkly dry skin. His lips had cuts and his Fangs hanging badly; one bite from those and your done for. his mouth area full red dripping. It wearing a ugly ragged cloth and body thin as a twig hugging the bones making it's curves visible. His face seemed it was sinking and shrinking inside. And last but not least Those Intense, Striking Eyes.

This were the Vampire we learnt about. The one we feared. The One I Feared!




Sooooooo. Hiii I managed to somehow upload this chapter in the pressure of Final exams. So Wish me luck!! for my Final Exams.

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THE HUMAN PRINCESS   :    THE HAEMONLUNA TRILOGYWhere stories live. Discover now