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I left Jewel in shock with my master plan. She stood in front of me to prevent me to move any further, "Thena; girl are you CRAZY?? You are so not doing this. You are putting your life and future in danger !! What if you fail huh? you know the royals are too aggressive and merciless, What if I-I........what if I n-never see you again" She had a hand on my cheek and her pretty blue orbs spilling tears....just for me. Now I have to succeed. Not for me but for Jewel and make it out alive.

 I held her hands in mine and vowed, "Jewel I promise I will complete the mission and get out of their alive and after all I am doing this to help people, Its a good deed. I'll try my best to stay alive because I cannot ever afford to lose a friend like you." I smiled hinting her to relax but she still had crystal eyes her kajal spreading due to tears and she was looking at me very worried. 

She suddenly removed her hands from mine and wiped her tears, Jewel spoke in crack voice, "I am the reason behind this plan I gave you the idea.........then Thena shouldn't I be the one carrying it out?? And Thena we don't need to do this our friends are happy with bread and soup so why bother. Its not that important."

 I furrowed my brows. "My friend you can't even handle a dagger properly and you want to carry a heist alone; listen to me I can do it and I will. Those money suckers need a stab then only we can end the poverty or else we could be next. Someone has to take an action and that's why It is Important." Jewel understood what I wanted to say and hugged me. "But Thena I will too help one way or another." I mouthed 'okay' and we moved forward.

On the way I invited her to come to at my house for tonight and like that in front of everyone she started jumping like a frog in rain. We laughed like idiots after I calmed her. If it weren't for her crush on the stupid boy around her neighbourhood I would have proposed her already. 

What if in the selection my Jewel gets selected. I mean ofcourse she is more beautiful than me. What if those suckers torture her or worse kil-No I closed my eyes to prevent tears and trying to get positive thoughts and memories of us together. 'I will never let Jewel get hurt or away from me.' "Ena, Where were y- Oh Hi Jewel how are you" Whaaaat I literally have no worth in this house. Nowadays Eugene won't let me touch a sword and instead hands me spatula to cook, I mean I love eating food but.......cooking; Nah!!! If that isn't enough rose is eager to get me married. Now I am starting to think they don't want me at home with them, but They are my family after all and I know they always wish what's best for me.

Me and Jewel went inside. As we sat on the sofa Rose handed me a letter, properly covered and written infront 'To the Desser family' A royal stamp behind which was sealed the thing. I scoffed to see the royal stamp. Instead of usual red it was sealed with golden wax, " Eugene forgot to give this to you yesterday. Thena your brother is getting old he's forgetting things now, just get married already." Rose adviced me like those pest relatives, I didn't want to start an argument so I stayed quiet side eyeing Rose until Jewel whispered, "This must be the invitation for the bride selection." I didn't react but felt a knot in my stomach; I was nervous but still opened the cover ripping off the stamp. I hesitated to open the letter still unfolded the paper and started reading out loud.

"OH!! WOW!! a royal ball

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"OH!! WOW!! a royal ball.....but for the bride selection,.........That also for those deadly Vampires........With whom our kingdom is having peace.......WOW!!" Rose spoke up breaking the silence after I finished.

 I refused to say anything and just sat silently staring at the brown paper. "That's a good opportunity for both of you. You could be the symbol of peace if got selected. You two will try your best to make a good impression." I wanted to resign my body, I didn't want to go but I'll have to because I am going to borrow some money while they choose their dream princess.

"Why do the vampires want peace with don't they have everything and always they only win the battles so why peace??? " I spoke up trying to look innocent not wanting Rose to suspect anything about my plan.

 "Well it's good, now we won't have to fight battles and they can help us with our enemies and vice-versa. It will be a start of a new era. The era of friendship between Vampires and Human." I rolled my eyes and rose clapped taking our attention, "Alright then. Thena we will go shopping this Evening for gowns and jewellery. Jewel you and Mrs Theira are most welcome to join us. So be ready at 5:30 sharp" Rosie said getting Excited for the 'New Era' celebration but I just grabbed Jewel's hand and rushed into my room shouting " Rosie we are in my room if need anything just shout."

Before I closed the door I let go of Jewel's hand but due to the force she was dragged resulting her to fall in the arms of my soft bed. "Ow! THENA What was that? Look I twisted my wrist." I felt bad. I shouldn't have rushed. I slowly went towards her and slowly grabbed her arm and pecked a short kiss on her wrist. I felt butterflies in my stomach as she giggled softly. I caught my ears mouthing 'sorry' to which she nodded.

 I sat beside her disscusing about the plan using the map of the castle I stole from Eugene's room. After I finished I again met that worried jewel. I smiled at her and she relaxed a bit. Jewel murmured, "Just be safe Thena. I can't lose a friend like you. Thena you have a good heart. If you could be the selected princess then I know you might make both our and Haemoon prosper. You have the capability to turn the worst people into good."

THE HUMAN PRINCESS   :    THE HAEMONLUNA TRILOGYWhere stories live. Discover now