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I entered my Room and it was Super Spacious. The whole room was equivalent to my house in Sieria. There was a King sized bed at the middle touched the wall and ample space to walk till the balcony. The balcony was decorated with huge Black and white velvet curtains. Above my bed there was a painting depicting a sort of scene. a Giant Red moon right in centre, wolfs of left and bats on right. It seemed like an interesting Painting. A crystal Chandelier handed above, Many flowers decorated the room with their amazing odour.

" Miss Desser, Is there something you need?"

I turned around to see the owner of that sweet voice, It was a girl. She must've been in her 20s. She Had brown Curly hair which suited her. According to her attire I assumed she is the maid Queen Sandra talked about. She smiled politely and said, "My name is Maya. I will be your personal maid. Feel free to ask me for anything, Miss Desser"

"Just call me Thena. I want to sleep Maya. Can we sleep at night? or is there a Compulsion to Sleep only at daytime?! " I was really tired, I just wanted remove this dress and drift off to sleep.

"No, there isn't any Compulsion. But generally proceedings of court and Work in the kingdom is done at night. If you Wish to sleep then you shall, Miss Thena" Saying that she rushed towards the huge wardrobe And removed a night suit for me.

It was a pretty shade of purple and long sleeves with layers touching the floor. Maya helped me wear the suit which was suiting my body. I cleaned my makeup, already ruined because of the crying. " Maya I'm feeling hungry, could you bring something to eat?"

"Sure, I will be right back" saying that she walked out probably towards the kitchen. I tied my hair into a bun and jumped on the bed.

Maya came into the room and kept the plate full of food and fruits besides my bed. I Quickly ate and drifted off to sleep after the tiring day.









Partial Darkness was encountered when I hesitantly opened my eyes due to irritating noise of Bats. At first I felt in which unknown room am I sleeping in, But then remembered I'm in the Vampire kingdom. Of course there are going to be Bats here.

I laid back on the bed trying to sleep again, But failed to do so. I decided to explore the castle. I took the knife Maya kept for cutting the fruits and tucked it in my nighty,

My Habit of taking a sharp object wherever I go will never change.

I struggled to open the heavy door and it made creaking noise the made me wince; How old is this castle? I mindlessly walked where my feet took me admiring the interiors. I noticed that whenever i was passing through those Vamp Soldiers were staring me without blinking. This was making me very anxious. I rushed out of there and came across a Door not very different from mine only bigger. I was slightly open. I peeped in from the gap, It was a library...

Never in my life I have seen so many books. Plenty layers and rows of books decorating the library. In the middle there was a fireplace with fire lit burning providing heat giving the library a comfy atmosphere. three sofas sitting beside the fireplace. two stairs emerging from each side of fireplace reaching the loaded shelves above.

I heard movement in between the shelves and ran to find it out. A figure also in his nighty Having.......Blond hair

The Blondie

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be sleeping right now?" Without removing his head from the book he spoke up. I was a bit alarmed due to him suddenly questioning , " I-I can't Sleep."

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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THE HUMAN PRINCESS   :    THE HAEMONLUNA TRILOGYWhere stories live. Discover now