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Darkness surrounded me like a silk coccoon wrapping a small caterpillar. 

A faint voice could be heard in the background. That's when I opened my heavy eyes only to meet my brother and.....Rhodes. I didn't have mask on so I could understand their reactions. Eugene was angry at me; I could see it in his eyes. Meanwhile Rhodes looked betrayed and had a sad yet calm look he.......wasn't angry. I still felt very weak but still with droopy eyes looked down and my wounds were covered with herbal paste and stinging. As I was about to sleep to ease the pain a bit, A strong arm pulled me out of the bed making me fall on floor and bleed open my wound; blood again gushing out bringing tears to my eyes and loud cries from my mouth. I tried to get loose from the grip but Eugene just tightened it. He dragged me out of room and started taking me somewhere probably prison where they will beat the shit out of me for sure. My wounds were touching the cold marble leaving a river of blood flowing behind. I used up all my energy on fighting back and resisting but Eugene slapped me, "Keep quite Thena; you have already caused many troubles today." "S-Save M-me.. pleas-se" "NO! I am not loosing my post for YOU." At that time everything felt Numb. I closed my eyes pooling with water.

My body was thrown forward falling on my face. I heard Gasps and gossips around. A hand snatched my hair making me face........THE KING. Beside him the vampire king was throned and around them the princes and queens. Of course they wouldn't let me die so easily, First they will torture me, beat me and that is their policy we are imprisoned for life and everyday all you get is torture. That is it what they are going to do to me. I gave up even trying wake up. Tilting my head I scrunched my nose only to see Jewel. She was crying her makeup ruined like mine. I forced myself to smile but a metallic leg crushed my ear almost bleeding. Rhodes helped me up on my knees yet I refused to face anyone. "So, miss Desser care to explain why you decided to make your family reputation into trash" Venom dripping  from the king's voice already targeting my family to make sure they get stones thrown on them. I messed up. I stared at the king soullessly. 

"Answer the king!! You bitch!!" Was this happening for real I looked up at Eugene taken aback by his comment on me. Did he always think of me like that? No, It's just because of the theft he is probably furious at me. "I will ask once again; What was the pointless, useless reason for such a naive theft." POINTLESS, USELESS reason. "Before answering I would like to question you, Do you know how much wealth do you have in your treasury?" Silence. Pin drop silence spread over the room only to be pierced by the horse voice. "Yes and it's beyond your imagination and reach young lady." I maintained eye contact to appear confident even after being in a bloody and painful mess. I wanted revenge...."Very well; Now answer how many low classed and poor people reside in our country....." I smirked my slightly slit lips and savoured the expressions of people and most importantly the King and vampire royalties beside and continued "..... How many people died out of poverty, without food and How many poor people your soldiers killed only because they wanted to EAT FOOD AND LIVE!! ANSWER ME YOU BASTARD; DO YOU KNOW!!" I already knew there was a slap coming to meet my cheeks but worst happened. 'WHIP' My eyes widened and I screeched aloud not even trying to hide the pain. After all let every one know how ruthless these human are. Still Looking at the king I demanded an answer. "Speechless aren't you. This is the reality of your perfect little kingdom Kailtan. Two days ago my friend Hans and other boys went out to search for food but what your soldiers did they killed him. He had a little sister at home waiting for him only to wait for his.....his dead body. Your people outside are struggling while you wasting yourself in this Palace gathering other's hard work for your USELESS, POINTLESS luxuries. You didn't even spare us as you increased the tax rate, nowadays only 5% money comes even high classed people are facing poverty. I AM WARNING YOU KAILTAN, TODAY I TOOK A MOVE AGAINST YOU. I AM DEFINATELY SURE TOMMOROW SOMEONE EVEN MORE POWERFUL THAN ME WILL MAKE AN ACT AGAINST YOU AND YOU WON'T ME ABLE TO RESIST IT......"Breaking the speech I took a while to breath and smiled challenging him only to see him get furious and a whip landing on me. but this time I took a deep breath trying to control and absorb and accept the pain as I'll have to get used to it. Tch, So impatient "You won't and no one will dare to take a step against me and if did I make sure that it will not be able to it again." "Aah! Now I understand....." before bursting out I slightly chuckled mocking him "...You are relying on The Vampires to protect you...Aren't you?" This was the spark needed to ignite the fire. Gasps, mummering and reaction on faces of Vampires and humans both were oh so fun to watch. I tried to find Jewel in the crowd but couldn't spot her. I was busy finding my bestie didn't realize the vampire King and princes stood up from the seat of course bothered by my comment. Good job Thena. "pls Brother your coming in words of this...this filthy traitor." "Very bad Kailtan, trying to deny the truth are you? " "You! Shut up!!" He aggressively pointed his finger at me again gesturing Eugene to whip me but Right now a wave of fearlessness was flowing through me and I liked it. I closed my eyes ready to meet the surface of whip. I heard the voice of it colliding flesh but didn't feel it. Curious I opened my eyes to see a pale hand stopping it. It was Rhodes, he saved me. I looked at him with thankful eyes but within a second I saw Rhodes, Eugene and other soldiers get crushed under the chandelier. I felt everything blur and a feeling of sadness and concern gushed over me. I quickly tried to lift up but failed and fell instead. Suddenly the chandelier rose revealing Rhodes and Eugene. "Sir, I found the one who cut the rope causing chandelier to fall." While few soldiers helped my brother and others I focused on the one who produced the commotion. But the 3 Vampire princes covered by sight helping Rhodes. The blackhead looked at me and then the culprit with angry eyes. He took the whip from guard and approached....Jewel. He dragged her beside me. Before anything could happen I hugged her crying out. " Jewel I am Scared!!" She hugged me back responding "I know I'm myself scared thena, Maybe we shouldn't have done this we coul-" In between a hand split us apart holding the whip in other hand. As he rose it on Jewel my reflexes woke up. Without thinking I stopped the whip with my bare letting it seep into my flesh and grab it sliding forward snatching it from the Prince. "Don't you Dare touch Her!" I felt everyone getting shocked by my act and next thing I knew I was getting dragged with Jewel to prison on the order of the King.

THE HUMAN PRINCESS   :    THE HAEMONLUNA TRILOGYWhere stories live. Discover now