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Finally the night came along. Everyone was too excited, Rose even called a make-up artist like she can't do make up but she just shushes me by saying, "Your are going to the ball and going to impress the princes so you need proper make up."

 Whatever Of course they will not choose a 15 year old girl and the make up doesn't even suit me it ruins my soft skin and pimple pops up here and there. I warned the artist to do light makeup but rose wouldn't let that happen, what. a. nightmare. The make up artist did my heavy makeup and rose made my hairstyle. She did a crown braid with loose hair down. I wore my favourite necklace and red ruby earrings. It gave me the feel of blood dripping from my ears, I know weird but they too pretty to be weird.  Rose looked pretty in her rose pink fluffy gown but when I looked in the mirror I wasn't the girl that everyone knew. The girl who didn't care about beauty, the one who was called a thorn; I looked......Nice. I smiled while adjusting my gorgeous dress. I did feel bad that I couldn't show  my dress for long. I quickly went to my room and tucked my sword inside the gown just in case

I stepped in the carriage and sat opposite to my olders. Eugene wore a royal blue suit and sword hanging at one side. They both sat with interwind hands, Lovebirds.

 The carriage slowly started moving and as expected Eugene and rose started giving me instructions, " Act elegant in front of everyone, Don't eat too much; we know how much you love food but please try to control yourself, sit properly like a women, properly greet everyone, Don't talk too much" Blah, blah, blah. That's the thing I was not going to attend the full party at all. As I shoved my head outside I could see the Castle decorated with lights and lit brightly. Time went so fast I didn't even realise the castle came.

I was walking behind the two and head proudly up and shoulders straight with hands gripping the gown to prevent me from falling. We entered the first gate where guards checked my letter and let us in.

 There I encountered the 2 ghosts I saw yesterday but I could also see another one prince. I just couldn't stop staring at him. My brain commanding me to stop but my heart resisted. I was stunned by his ethereal beauty, his orange hair properly split and bangs slightly covering his dark husky red eyes, I pursed my lips and kicked the thoughts out of my head, 'I am only here for money and no distractions. He is a vampire after all' The Queens of both kingdoms were present welcoming everyone. We met the queens bowing low and they did the same in return, then came the princes.

 I checked all of them up to down from the side eye. they were wearing pure silk suits shimmering in the moonlight perfectly showing their figure and broad shoulders. All of their hairs properly styled. They don't even need makeup, their skin is already so pale, glassy and their lips red and.......Wait why am I even thinking this. When I looked up towards them I realized that they caught me checking them out. I just bowed trying to hide my embarrassed face. As I stood up the blackhead grabbed my hand and placed his lips on it 'Ew so gross!' "I hope you make our selection exciting" saying that he winked. I widened my eyes and roughly took my hand out of his grip and tsked smirking "let go me you piece of shit! And Of course the selection is going to be oh so exciting!! Just wait and watch!!" I brushed his shoulder off making eye contact with the ethereal beauty just to see him smirking showing his fangs and spoke enough for me to hear, "Guys this red dress is interesting."  Well yeah my dress is gorgeous and interesting but why are they appreciating it they aren't even going to wear it?

We entered the ball room after a mini tour of the castle tour which included the treasury; HaHAHAHAHA 'evil laughter' The ball room was filled with stupid males and pretty females and delicious food!! I smiled so widely and scurried towards the food table but a hand rested on my shoulder to prevent me from going to my love.

 I unconsciously turned around to see Jewel puffed face. She wore an maroon pink VERY fluffy gown with heavy jewellery and open blond hairs. "Jewel!....you look so pretty I just love you so much" I grabbed her waist and she spoke up "Oh I can see that" slightly eyeing the food table "If your love was true you would have searched for me instead of food" I laughed nervously rubbing my neck. "Of course I love you but not more than food...please try to understand and I-I cross my heart and promise I will never leave or forget you.....So BFF till death" we did our signature handshake by holding each others wrist firmly making sure to leave a mark of fingers. What can I say; we both like to be aggressive.

THE HUMAN PRINCESS   :    THE HAEMONLUNA TRILOGYWhere stories live. Discover now