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Both of us were thrown on the cold surface of the prison. I already felt weak due to loss of blood. It's been a while here so jewel covered by cuts with her dress. "You shouldn't have done that Jewel. Now you are in trouble as well." "NO, Thena you shouldn't have done THIS HEIST; I could have just asked father to provide more food now both of our future is mess" She cut me in angry tone not even letting me answer "What were you saying just now I shouldn't have saved you, Thena we promised that I'll in one way or another." "Then you should have atleast helped me at the right time AND RIGHT WAY, What were you seriously thinking making the chandelier fall It could've fallen on me too. If you don't know how to do something you avoid it" It was my turn to snap on her. Seriously who does she think she is. Here I'm bleeding and in pain all she wants to do is argue. It was me who carried the heist not her least she can show to me is pity.


After a wholesome night of sulking over each other finally sun came up only to give people fake hopes of goodness in this dark world. I woke up only to find Jewel still sleeping soundly releasing soft snores. I chuckled lightly 'She's that tired huh..' I sat beside her lifting her head gently laying it on my lap as it must hurt from the cold hard floor below. Slowly I took out the hair strands hiding her face revealing her moist eyes. 'Did she cried herself to sleep last night' A sudden arrow of regret shot into me. She was only trying to save my life. I should have been thankful, She's already going through a lot right now. A pretty girl like her doesn't deserve this. She also not have experience in fighting like Dad thought me. It's all my fault; I shouldn't have included from the beginning it was too risky. 'Such an idiot am I'.

We heard the shuffling of the prison lock. The gate opened making a huge creaking sound. Causing Jewel to rise suddenly; feeling scared due to sudden voice waking her now holding her chest trying to to control her breath. I wanted to comfort her but a Husky voice interrupted me. "Let's go The Kings have asked for you" 'The Kings' I looked up as soon as I heard the word only to meet a friendly pair of Red eyes. I chuckled mockingly, "So we are going to be exposed and embarrassed in front of Our Guests, How Rude." "Don't you think you've Embarrassed yourself enough Thena" The way he said my name was in the most genuine and softest way ever. I almost fell for it. "Come on Thena, Quit your Stubbornness" He made me stand up like I was some child but ofcourse I fought back only to cause stretch my wounds letting a whimper out. "Your only going to hurt yourself, JUST STOP THENA!" Alas! I gave up giving him permission to carry me bridal style indicating other soldiers to escort Jewel properly. Wow Such a Gentleman; Oops Gentlevampire. Through that awkward moment I refused to face Rhodes. My heartbeat beating faster like horses and butterflies in my stomach. It felt like all the fairytale books I've read till now. No wonder I always got that rebel spirit. Those books always taught me to be different from others. Be a Rebel between cowards, A Thorn between Flowers "Someone's blushing." I saw Rhodes from my side-eye only to see him smirking teasingly. "S-Shut up" I regretted saying that It was weak making it seem like I wanted to fake it. Only If it could get any worse he said, "Don't fall for me Thena, your not meant to be mine your already decided more likely......sold"

The huge golden door that I had been seeing continuously in all the corridor opened making me insecure about what Rhodes said earlier 'more likely...sold' This particular phrase was going in my head for a while. Different scary, horrible scenarios were gathering and raining like clouds in my mind. Before entering he gently put me down still not leaving my side. I looked behind to ensure Jewel was with who soon too came beside me. We together went inside and in an instant Rhodes took his place behind his Sucker king. Well we thought the king would start his ignorant, dirty mouth but to be shocked that Blackhead spoke up, "As you know, Um what is it your name...." He pretended to think not sure even thinking while I kept an amused expression on my face not hinting him about my fear. "Oh yes; Miss Dessert, Am I right?" What! Seriously, I'm currently fighting an urge to punch him on his face breaking his perfect white teeth. "You ruined my Brother's and my perfect night....Now you'll regret it. Well as you are a young lady, still a big future ahead; We have decided to give you the most amazing Punishment ever. The punishment for which yesterday the Whole Kingdom gathered here." I widened my Eyes as my brain processed it all, Rhodes's words and Yesterday's function, "Miss Dessert you have great Future which apparently YOU'LL BE SPENDING WITH US! " 




I knew this coming, even Rhodes warned me yet still my brain failed and refused to accept. My eyes were about to come out If they kept widened anymore. My throat was stinging and so were the cuts but they didn't matter now. My eyes changed their location I stared at Rhodes instead hoping for his help, but he mouthed me 'Sorry Thena. Just accept it' Furious, I'm Furious with everyone, Rhodes, Eugene, Jewel, The Vampires especially that blackhead and that orangutan who kept smirking mocking me and as if it couldn't get worse he started speaking "Well then pack your bags" "NO" "Hmm; Miss Dessert what did you say?" "No I said No" This time I shouted back. "So, you won't accept our kind offer." I looked on the ground hiding my tears and aggressively shook my head. hoping they'll let go of the Idea of making me their wife. I never imagined my marriage life to be like this. I wanted to marry a Human. Not those bloodsucking monster. "Okay, then we'll just have to force you" I looked up at him letting him see my moist eyes meanwhile him just smirking happily to see my world destroy. Beside me Few soldiers pushed Jewel making her head the floor hard and producing a small pool of blood beside. "Jewel! LET GO OF HER, SHE HAS NOTHING TO DO IN THIS!" That orange picked her up while staring at me with his intimidating eyes, "Bring him in" I broke my contact as I felt scared and followed the direction where a guard brought in......"Eugene!"

THE HUMAN PRINCESS   :    THE HAEMONLUNA TRILOGYWhere stories live. Discover now