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At this moment, this second I wanted to die. A scene of horror built up as The two princes  pushed Eugene and jewel on their knees and knife against their soft skin. "Now, What would be your decision Miss dessert?"

 I didn't answer more likely failed to answer. I wanted scream but my mouth was already exhausted and throat hurting. I lifted my face up to finally accept what life was throwing at me. " JUST SAY YES THENA. WHAT YOU WAITING FOR. Don't let me DIE" My brother angrily spat at me only resulting on coughing blood. They must have beaten him too. I feel so bad; because of me they are suffering badly. I was so confused I just hoped at jewel to help me.


"Sadly, you won't be alive to murder her." That Carrot just pushed the blade in to Jewel's soft skin resulting her to Scream. Panicking in speed I responded, "NO! Stop. Just stop.....I'll agree your proposal. I will- I will marry you; Just don't hurt them.....Please-Please!" I saw all of them especially that Kailtan laugh in satisfaction. 

"Not so strong now. Eh!" He commented smacking my Head powerfully making me fall besides. Struggling I went near both of them hugging tightly. But Eugene shook me off and went out angrily. I tried to call him back apologized but he didn't come back leaving me crying with half passed out jewel embraced tightly. 

Everyone leaved accept a pair of legs that I could see but didn't bother looking up  "I'm So-SO Sorry Jewel" I bursted out in her arms. 

"Let's go Thena. Let's take you two to the healer."


On my way to the healer I slowly found myself getting passed out in some soldiers hands. I Woke up Covered in a silk blanket and fluffy bed and wearing my regular clothes. I was in my room. Ignoring the pain I rushed down the stairs only to be tripped over a bag. Groaning in pain with the help of nearby chair I stood up. Infront of laid the huge mountain of clothes and bags. Ready to earn an explanation for the mess I called Rose, "Rosie where are you and why are there bags and clothes everywhere."

"Good morning Thena, I thought you were tired so I packed your bags for you" Rosie spoke up emerging from the kitchen. Her hair was a mess and eyes were red indicating she cried last night. I rushed towards her and gave her a long warm hug. "I don't want to go Rose I don't wanna leave you. I love you." I cried there and then in her arms. 

"Shhhh! Thena I love you too. I'm here with you." I could sense her tearing up too. Lastly her wet drops fell on my forehead before splitting. 

"You are leaving with the vampires this afternoon." Rose said with bitter tone while rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand. Without eye contact rushing she brought the bags in front of me. "This black and blue one contains your clothes and the small one has your necessities like your books and Thena I also packed all your weapons for you. just in case" I looked at her with thankful eyes.  I might need them If they tried to hurt me. 

Jewel and Mrs Theira visited us and I was clinging to jewel the whole time. They made funny jokes and many memorable moments were spent almost making me forget I was going leave everyone. I am so lucky I have people like them with me.  The time flew really fast and immediately after I finished my Lunch a knock was heard following with a lump in my stomach. Rose slowly approached the door while jewel hugged me real tight.

"Is she ready?" The horse voice startled all of us out of sudden making me hold jewel's hand tightly. Rose let out a hesitated nod. Many soldiers came inside picking my belongings. Rose gestured me to come out. I wanted to run away right now but I just had to accept my fate. I dragged Jewel with me outside but the soldiers prevented her. They created a small wall as two hands stayed behind me straight preventing me from running back. All I could do was look back and shed tears. Their was a crowd of people surrounding a carriage. People were gossiping and talking a lot of things. Finally I stepped into carriage after Tripping due to heels I wore on Queen's request and being pushed inside roughly by the guard only to get another bruise on my head by a iron nail. I hate this life.

Along with me their was a male probably minister inside the carriage guarding me as if I was stupid enough to jump out of a speeding vehicle. But after all my Antics it's expected. God knows what's going inside my head. 

I felt really uncomfortable because the minister was looking at me up and down and smirking at me. I just wanted to cut his neck but 2 problems, I didn't have a weapon and Don't want to create another scene or else I could get very painful consequences. I was getting Annoyed by his moves as he tried to touch my hand. Frustrated I smashed the top piece of heel into his foot resulting in ugly shriek and blood gushing out. He was groaning in pain while I simply exclaimed, " Ohh! I AM SOOO SORRYYY. IT HAPPENED BY MISTAKE I SWEAR!!!" I kept my voice toned as those annoying girls speaking through my nasal and crying like crying my heart out. To make it believable I Ripped my yellow pastel dress and covered his feet stopping the blood and smiling when I squeezed his leg real hard causing a stream of blood cover the whole yellow cloth and cries. I sat down in front of him acting sympathetic but feeling satisfied on the inside. 

Not long before the castle arrived. I got down with the limping minister. Not showing but I was laughing like a manic inside. I bowed showing manners and not giving them a chance for accusing my family for not teaching me manners. I knew every small detail how to act elegant but ignored and only showed when necessary. I thought they were always very overrated. I choose to live freely without these pathetic boundaries. 

"What happened to thy foot Minister Radium." Asked some prince while I showed the male my Doe eyes to seduce him and prevent him from telling the truth. "It is a long story, my lord. It happened by mistake." I smiled sweetly at the minister while he lied. 

"Let's get going shall we, Miss dessert" that blackhead spoke up destroying my moment happiness. Behind me the previous cart exchanged with a luxurious and gold studded carriage. And that overly decorated cart was driven by-"Unicorns. Oh my god." If jewel was here she would freak out. But my jaw dropped to the ground, They were so beautiful. One was pearl white with silky ivory hair and other was umber with shiny brown hair. I wanted to touch them but my had was pulled by someone's icy cold hands. It was that Blackhead. 'tsk What is that Blackhead's problem. He so annoying' He then laughed looking at me with his tomato eyes tightening his grip on my wrist so hard I started squirming in pain But he just swayed his head coming near to my ears whispering , "Very bad Princess. I really don't like the title you gave me. It's pretty offensive!" I was starstruck. How did He.......Ohh Yeah I almost forgot. He's a Vampire, he can read minds. Not surprising because my dad taught us everything about our rivals may it be Vampires or werewolves. I know about their every ability, But memory only comes when I try hard to remember. Well now he will hear this for invading my mental privacy. 'Let go your filthy hands of mine you leech' His facial expressions changed while I just smirked struggling to get my  hand out of he's grip yet it was too tight. He was about to say something harsh to me for sure but one of the queens probably his mother because of same hair and nose stopped him and allowed me to sit inside the carriage. 

THE HUMAN PRINCESS   :    THE HAEMONLUNA TRILOGYWhere stories live. Discover now