Nami x M!Reader

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Quest to win Nami's heart


(Yep, I just found out that there are even male readers waiting to get some suuupeer scenarios, so I am just gonna drop this there, and don't worry, I will try to write more of those. Sorry again, my bros :p )
(Btw, Fanart is, again, mine ;P )


Y/n couldn't deny the butterflies fluttering in his stomach every time he laid eyes on Nami. Her charm and fiery personality had captured his heart, and he was determined to win her over. There was just one obstacle standing in his way-Sanji, the handsome cook of the Straw Hat Pirates, who seemed to be constantly in conflict with Y/n in a battle for Nami's attention.

One sunny day aboard the Thousand Sunny, Y/n mustered up all his courage and approached Nami on the deck.

"Oi, Nami," Y/n said, trying to sound confident but feeling slightly nervous. "I brought these flowers for you. I hope they brighten up your day, just like you brighten up mine."

Nami looked up from her work, her eyes widening in surprise. "Oh, Y/n, these are beautiful! Thank you," she replied, a warm smile spreading across her face.

Just as Y/n thought his plan was working, Sanji, the resident chef and self-proclaimed ladies' man, interrupted them, his face red with jealousy.

"Nami-swan, my love, let me prepare a meal that will make you fall head over heels for me!" he declared dramatically.

Rolling her eyes, Nami shot back, "Sanji, I've told you a hundred times, I'm not interested!"

Y/n seized the opportunity and decided to playfully challenge Sanji. "Hey, Sanji, why don't we settle this once and for all? If I win, you back off from Nami, and if you win, well...I'll stay out of your way."

Sanji smirked, accepting the challenge. "Fine, Y/n. Let's see if you can handle the heat!"

And so, a comical contest took place. Y/n and Sanji engaged in multiple hilarious challenges to impress Nami, from cooking duels to ridiculous feats of strength. Each attempt was more over-the-top than the last, leaving the crew in fits of laughter.

However, during the final challenge-an insane obstacle course-Sanji, fueled by his determination to win Nami's heart, accidentally sent Y/n flying into a pile of crates. Y/n lay there, beaten and bruised, a bit worse for wear.

Just as Sanji was about to gloat, Nami, concerned for Y/n's well-being, rushed over to him. Without hesitation, she grabbed a nearby frying pan and delivered a swift whack to Sanji's head, leaving him dazed.

Y/n's eyes widened as he looked up at Nami, his heart swelling with gratitude. "Nami, you... you saved me."

A mischievous smile played on Nami's lips as she extended her hand to help Y/n up. "Well, I couldn't let that ego-driven cook get the best of you, could I?"

As Y/n stood up, he found himself drawn to Nami's warm gaze, and in that moment, all the pain from the contest faded away. Without thinking, he leaned in and pressed his lips to hers, feeling her softness and warmth. Nami was taken aback at first but soon melted into the kiss, her arms wrapping around Y/n's neck. They pulled away, breathless and smiling at each other.

"I guess this means I owe you one," Y/n said, grinning.

"I'll remember that," Nami replied, still flushed from the kiss.

532 words

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