Zoro/Usopp/Law (new years ONESHOTS) x F! Reader

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It has been exactly 299,520 minutes, 4992 hours, 208 days, 29.7 weeks, and 6.8 months since I published my One Piece Oneshot book. I have changed the cover about 3 times, and I got my first 2 thousand views on June 27th (I've slept in the first 1000 -_-)

These oneshots you're about to read are officially the last oneshots in my book for the year 2023.

I uploaded my first oneshot on June 6th, and that was my Sanji x Reader oneshot, which now has 80 votes, 63 comments, and 4.8K views.

(Thanks to you liking Sanji and liking making out scenarios in kitchens with complete strangers.)

My most-viewed chapter is "Welcome!" (XD)

My most-viewed oneshot is Zoro x Reader with 4.9K views.

My first follower ever is liuliumao who also wanted me to write my first ever request, Rob Lucci x Neko Reader (and bread-stealing pigeon).

What I'm trying to say is, Thank you! Now, I have over 1000 votes, almost 67k views, and exactly 277 comments, which is all thanks to you!

I remember when I started watching one piece and when I started to think about whether I should even start writing this. Every comment, and I mean EVERY COMMENT, has brought a smile to my face, whether it was in school, at home, or on my vacation.

And without YOU, I wouldn't be here now.

So, I wish you a happy new year, and I wish you that the best happens to you in the following 365 days.

I love you.

(Yes, this is a love confession xD)

Your Lilz, Lili, Lily, writer, or whatever name you wish to call me <33


Ice skating with Zoro.

Hey, it was New Year's Eve, and I decided to do something a bit different this year. Instead of the usual party scene, I convinced Zoro to go ice skating with me. Yes, that Zoro - the one with a stern face that seems to have a permanent scowl etched on it. But hey, I've seen a glimpse of the softer side, buried somewhere deep beneath all that seriousness.

So there we were, me and Zoro, heading to the local ice skating rink. The air was chilly, but I was determined to melt the icy exterior of Roronoa Zoro, my roommate and, well, a bit more than that.

We laced up our skates in silence, the tension as thick as Zoro's three-sword style. He was struggling with the laces, and I couldn't help but smile. "Need a hand?" I offered, suppressing a chuckle.

He shot me a glare, those brown eyes piercing through me.

"I can handle it," he grumbled, but his fingers betrayed him, fumbling with the laces like they had a mind of their own.

I sat there, watching the stoic swordsman trying to conquer a pair of innocent ice skates. It was like witnessing a fierce battle, only the enemy this time was made of leather and metal. Finally, after a few more futile attempts, he sighed in defeat.

"Fine, help me out," he muttered, looking away as if the admission pained him.

I smirked, taking his foot in my hands and skillfully securing the laces.

"There you go."

Getting to my feet, I made my way into the ice skating rink, smoothly sliding over to the railing and gripping onto it for support. Zoro followed suit, rising from his seat and pausing right at the entrance of the ice, contemplating his next move.

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