Sanji x F!Reader

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Heyaaa guyys, happy valentines day! :P

Hope this cheers you up, incase you've been single since birth like me -_-

I missed Sanji, so here you go :D

(i binge-watched Mashle today and i do not regret it, go watch it.(yes, it's the cool song from tiktok xd))


Through tears and blood


Y/ns first POV:

I stormed onto the ship, the salty sea air mixing with the bitter taste of disappointment. My heart felt like it had been trampled by a herd of rampaging bulls. It was supposed to be a perfect date, just me and him, under the twinkling stars. But he never showed up. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I collapsed onto the deck, feeling utterly defeated.

"Oi, what's the matter, Y/n-chan?" A voice cut through the haze of my despair, and I looked up to see Sanji standing before me with concern etched into his features.

I tried to brush off his inquiry, not wanting to burden him with my petty problems. But Sanji wasn't one to let things slide, especially when it came to a lady in distress.

"Come on, don't keep it bottled up. Tell me what's bothering you," he urged, his brows furrowed with genuine worry.

I sighed, knowing that there was no escaping his persistent questioning.

"It's just... my date didn't show up. I waited for hours, but he never came," I confessed, feeling a fresh wave of tears threatening to spill.

Sanji's eyes narrowed dangerously, his fists clenching at his sides.

"That asshole! How dare he stand up such a lovely lady!" he growled, his voice laced with righteous anger.

Despite my sadness, I couldn't help but feel a small flutter of warmth at his chivalrous outburst. Sanji was always quick to defend a woman's honor, even if it meant resorting to his more... unconventional methods.

He handed me a clean tissue from his pocket, and I gratefully accepted it, dabbing at my tear-streaked cheeks. But as I wiped away the evidence of my distress, I noticed a crimson droplet staining the pristine white fabric of his handkerchief.

"Sanji, your nose is bleeding!" I exclaimed, my eyes widening in alarm.

He winced, hastily pressing a handkerchief to his nose in a futile attempt to stem the flow.

"It's nothing, just a nosebleed," he muttered, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

But as I watched him struggle to staunch the bleeding, I couldn't deny the flutter of affection that bloomed within me.

"Here, let me help," I said, reaching out to gently tilt his chin upward. Our eyes met, and I found myself getting lost in the depths of his blue gaze.

Sanji's breath caught in his throat, his cheeks turning an even deeper shade of red.

"Y/n-chan, you're..." he stammered, his words trailing off into a flustered mess.

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