Usopp x F!Reader

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Y/n's POV:

The sun beat down on the beach, casting its golden rays over the sand and sea. The Straw Hat Pirates were making the most of their downtime, scattered across the shoreline like a colorful patchwork quilt. Nami and Robin lay stretched out on beach towels, soaking up the warmth, while Sanji manned the smoothie station, concocting fruity delights with practiced flair. Chopper circulated among us, ensuring everyone stayed hydrated under the blazing sun.

As for me, I found myself knee-deep in a sandy dispute with my brother, Luffy.

"Y/n, you're doing it all wrong!" Luffy declared, his voice rising in frustration as he attempted to shape a turret out of sand with all the finesse of a bull in a china shop.

I rolled my eyes, scooping up another handful of damp sand.

"No, I'm not, Luffy. You just have no idea how to build a proper sandcastle."

"Hey, I heard that!" Luffy pouted, crossing his arms over his chest like an oversized child.

Chuckling, I continued to mold the grains between my fingers, determined to prove my point. But before I could make any headway, another voice chimed in from behind us.

"You call that a sandcastle?" Usopp's teasing tone cut through the air like a knife, accompanied by the sound of his laughter. I turned to see him approaching, his swimming shorts clinging to his toned legs, and his fluffy afro tied back in a messy ponytail.

I couldn't help but grin at the sight of him. Usopp had always been a bit of a show-off, but there was something undeniably charming about his confidence.

"Watch and learn, Usopp!" Luffy declared, determination flashing in his eyes as he redoubled his efforts, oblivious to the mischievous glint in Usopp's gaze.

With practiced precision, Usopp set to work, his hands moving with a fluidity that spoke of years spent honing his craft. In no time at all, he had transformed Luffy's lopsided tower into a masterpiece of architectural finesse, complete with intricate details and delicate spires.

Luffy's jaw dropped in awe, his initial indignation forgotten as he stared at the sand sculpture in wonder. But his amazement quickly turned to indignation when he realized what Usopp had done.

"You cheated! You used MY sand!" Luffy cried, his cheeks flushing with anger as he lunged for Usopp, who was already retreating towards the water with a smug grin.

Usopp chuckled, his laughter echoing over the waves as he splashed into the sea, narrowly avoiding Luffy's outstretched hands.

I couldn't help but laugh at the sight of them, two grown men chasing each other like children on the beach.

Usopp's confident smirk faltered as he realized he wasn't as safe in the water as he'd thought. With a triumphant shout, Luffy unleashed a torrent of water from the oversized toy gun he'd purchased, drenching Usopp from head to toe.

The sight of Usopp emerging from the sea, his hair plastered to his face, and his expression a mix of annoyance and disbelief, was enough to send me into a fit of giggles. But as he made his way back to shore, shaking the water from his hair like a wet dog, I couldn't help but notice how his annoyance only seemed to enhance his rugged charm.

Usopp stopped in front of me, his hair tie clutched between his teeth as he began to gather his damp locks into a ponytail. The sight of him, water glistening on his bronzed skin, was undeniably appealing. I found myself staring up at him, my heart fluttering in my chest as I watched the muscles in his arms flex with each movement.

As he finished tying back his hair, his gaze met mine, and I felt a flush creep up my cheeks at the intensity of his stare. But instead of looking away, I held his gaze, unable to tear my eyes away from the captivating sight before me.

Usopp's lips quirked up in a wry smile as he noticed my reaction, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes.

"Like what you see, Y/n?" he teased, his voice low and husky, sending shivers down my spine.

I could feel the blush creeping up my neck, but I refused to let him have the upper hand. If he wanted to play this game, I was all in. I tilted my head slightly, letting my eyes roam over his form before meeting his gaze again. A smirk tugged at the corners of my mouth as I licked my lips slowly, making sure he noticed every single movement.

"Very much, Usopp," I purred, my voice dripping with a sultry undertone.

"Especially when you're all wet like that. Makes me wonder what else you can get soaked...or who you can get dripping wet."

The effect was instantaneous. Usopp's confident facade crumbled as his eyes widened, and his face turned a shade of red that rivaled Luffy's vest. Steam practically billowed from his ears, and he stood frozen in place, struggling to process my words.

"Y-Y/n!" he stammered, his voice cracking as he tried to regain his composure.

"W-what are you... I mean..."

I couldn't help but laugh at his reaction, feeling a surge of satisfaction at having turned the tables so effectively.

"What's the matter, Usopp?" I asked innocently, batting my eyelashes at him.

"Cat got your tongue?"

Usopp opened and closed his mouth several times, looking for all the world like a fish out of water. Finally, he managed to find his voice, though it was still shaky.

"You're... you're evil," he muttered, though there was no real heat behind his words. If anything, he looked both embarrassed and impressed.

"I prefer the term 'resourceful,'" I replied with a wink, enjoying the way his blush deepened even further.

1000 words

/ᐠ_ ꞈ _ᐟ\~



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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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