Perona x F!Reader

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Pops knows makeup?!?


Suggestion by:



You and Perona lounged in your room, the quiet boredom settling in. Perona was engrossed in a fashion magazine, her eyes flicking through the pages, occasionally letting out a judgmental hum or an impressed nod. Meanwhile, you sat on the bed, casually playing with your ridiculously sharp sword.

"Y/n, seriously, be careful with that thing. You're gonna poke your eye out," Perona warned, not looking up from her magazine.

You grinned, oblivious to any potential danger, "Nah, I'm good. Besides, it's not as if I could hurt myself. Dad enchanted this thing to be practically indestructible."

Perona rolled her eyes but couldn't help but smile at your playful innocence. "Well, don't say I didn't warn you."

You continued to twirl the sword with a childlike fascination. Perona closed the fashion magazine, tapping it against her palm as she pondered what to do next. The silence hung in the air, broken only by the occasional rustle of pages. You looked over at Perona, a hint of confusion knitting your brows as you observed her deep in thought.

Curiosity getting the better of you, you tilted your head and asked, "What's going on in that pretty head of yours?"

She smirked mischievously, her eyes narrowing as she placed the magazine aside. In a swift and playful move, Perona pinned you down on the bed, her hands firmly holding your wrists to keep you from your sword. Your eyes widened in surprise, the confusion giving way to a mix of amusement and anticipation.

"Y/n, my dear, I think it's time we do something more interesting than playing with sharp objects," Perona teased, her voice laced with a playful tone.

You chuckled nervously, still not entirely sure what had prompted this sudden change in atmosphere. "Uh, okay. What did you have in mind?"

Perona leaned in, her face inches from yours. "I was thinking we could find a way to have a little more fun," she whispered, her smirk growing.

You couldn't help but blush at the suggestive tone in her voice, a mix of excitement and uncertainty dancing in your eyes.

Perona released her playful hold on you and sat up, a mischievous glint still in her eyes.

"How about a little makeover, Y/n? I'll do your skincare, makeup, and hair. It'll be fun!"

Your eyes widened at the proposal, a mix of excitement and nervousness swirling in your stomach. You were used to a more simple and practical lifestyle, and the idea of a makeover, especially by Perona, felt like uncharted territory.

"Uh, Perona, are you sure about this? My dad might not approve..."

Perona scoffed, waving off your concerns.

"Oh, come on! It's just for fun. Plus, he won't even know. It's not like we're going out in public like this."

Still feeling a bit apprehensive, you reluctantly agreed, "Okay, but nothing too crazy, alright?"

Perona grinned, "Deal. Now, let's turn you into a masterpiece!"

As she gathered an endless number of makeup and skincare products, you couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and unease.

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