Luffy x F!Reader

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Cuddly Little Furball


I just bit my tongue, and it hurts so bad :')


Only one fluffy Neko Luffy :)
...and cuddles

2nd POV

As you peacefully flip through the pages of your book in the cozy library of the Thousand Sunny, the gentle creaking of the ship and the distant sounds of your crewmates going about their business provide a comforting background melody. The atmosphere is serene, and the library's warm lighting casts a soft glow on the pages before you.

As the evening progresses, you notice a subtle drop in temperature, a hint that the night is settling in. You sigh contentedly, marking your page and placing the book carefully on the nearby shelf. It's time to call it a night. Pushing yourself up from the plush armchair, you stretch briefly, the satisfying pops from your joints echoing softly.

Leaving the library behind, you make your way to your cabin. The wooden floors feel cool underfoot, and the soft swaying of the ship lulls you into a sense of tranquility. You enter your cabin, and the familiar scent of your surroundings envelops you-a blend of salty sea air and the subtle fragrance of your belongings.

You change into your comfortable sleepwear and settle into your neatly made bed. The rhythmic sounds of the ship's hull against the waves become your lullaby as you quickly, without any problem, fall asleep.

11 hours later

(You surely like sleeping haha)

The first rays of dawn filter through your cabin's window, gently rousing you from your slumber. You stretch once more, this time relishing in the satisfying pull of your muscles as you fully awaken. Another day awaits you on the Thousand Sunny. You change into your usual clothes style, brush your teeth and do your everyday morning routine.

As you exit your cabin, the ship's corridors are bathed in a soft morning light. You make your way back to the library, where your book patiently awaits your return. Settling into the same armchair as the night before, you resume reading, losing yourself in the pages once more.

However, your peaceful solitude is soon interrupted by the faint sounds of laughter and excitement from outside. You recognize the distinctive laughter of Chopper, the animated storytelling of Usopp, and the soft, playful running around of your boyfriend, Luffy, who has taken the form of a mischievous cat.

You can't help but chuckle at the playful commotion just beyond the library's walls.

You then return to your book, determined to immerse yourself in the story once more. The plot unfolds, drawing you deeper into its world. Minutes pass, and you're completely absorbed, unaware of the world outside your book.

Then, a sudden creaking of the library door breaks your concentration. You look up, your alert instincts kicking in, but there's nothing there. You dismiss it as a product of your imagination and turn your attention back to your reading.

Just as you're starting to regain your focus, you hear a sharp, distinct sound-the shattering of glass. Your eyes widen, and you quickly rise from your chair, leaving the book behind. You follow the noise, and there, on a table strewn with the remnants of a knocked-over glass, sits Luffy.

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