Shanks son x M!Reader

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Father, I might be gay.


Haha, two stories a day? Are you in heaven? Maybe, because you're dead~

bro wha the fuck am i even saying 


Suggestion by:


(bro finally i did iit)



Age: 17

Personality: Calm, reserved

Likes: jokes, his sister, and his friend

Dislikes: being too serious (like his father)

Other Characters: 

Hifumi: Shank's son, chill and funny individual

(his name literally means one, two, three. Why? Because Shanks)

Perona: Y/n's sister

Powers: None

Spoilers: Thriller Bark (i guess?)

Warnings: Parent! AU

2500 words


2nd POV:

You wake up to the sound of waves crashing against the shores of Kuraigana Island, the home of your father, the infamous Dracule Mihawk. As the son of the greatest swordsman in the world, you've always lived a life of discipline and training. However, today is different. Your best friend, Hifumi, Shanks' son, is visiting for a sleepover.

The day begins with the two of you sparring in the courtyard, blades clashing under the watchful eye of Mihawk himself. Hifumi, with his easygoing nature, manages to make even the most serious training session a lighthearted affair.

"Come on, Y/n, show me your best move!" he exclaims, grinning as he dodges one of your strikes effortlessly.

You can't help but chuckle at his antics—a rare break from the strict routine you're used to. Mihawk, however, observes with a critical eye, not entirely pleased with the distraction.

After the morning training session, you and Hifumi decide to explore the island. As you walk along the cliffside, Hifumi begins one of his signature corny jokes, and you can't help but burst into laughter.

"Did you hear about the sword that went to the comedy club? It really knows how to keep an edge!"

(bro, you're the son of Mihawk. It's funny, so shut up and laugh :D.)

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