Buggy x F!Reader

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Circus chaos


Helloooo, this is the first one shot in the year 2024! (again, happy new year, xd)

I decided to re-upload my Katsuki x OC story, so if you're into it...you could go and maybe read it if you like Katsuki. or maybe if you'd like to support me and if you like me. :33

Okay, i'll shut up now xD


Suggestion by:



Buggy's POV

The circus tent was alive with chaotic energy; the colorful banners flapped in the wind, and the sound of laughter and cheers filled the air. I, Buggy, was in my element, the grand ringmaster of this spectacle. Mohji, my loyal sidekick, burst into the tent with a grin plastered across his face.

"Hey, Captain Buggy! Look who I found!" Mohji exclaimed, dragging a woman with him.

I squinted my eyes, trying to focus on the figure before me. Mohji loved to surprise me, and today was no exception.

"What's the big deal, Mohji? Another one of your weird pets?"

"Nah, Captain, she's not a pet. She's a new acrobat!" Mohji beamed, showcasing the woman beside him.

And then it happened. My eyes, in their trusty eyeholes, shot out like cannonballs. What I saw wasn't just another acrobat. She was beautiful—stunning even. My heart raced a bit, and I stumbled over my own feet. Mohji noticed and grinned wider.

"Meet Y/N, the newest addition to our crew!"

Y/N smiled, and my knees turned to jelly. I struggled to find the right words. Me, nervous? That was a new one.

"Uh, hi there, Y/N! Welcome to Buggy's Great Circus!" I stammered, attempting a bow that ended up looking more like a strange dance move.

Y/N chuckled, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

"Thank you, Captain Buggy. I've heard a lot about your circus, and I'm excited to be a part of it."

I tried to act casual, but my hands fumbled with the buttons on my coat. What was happening to me? Buggy, the fearless and charismatic captain, nervous around a new recruit? Unheard of!

(sure Buggy, you are never scared and you are never nervous.)

"Great, great! We're thrilled to have you. Mohji will show you around and get you settled in," I managed to blurt out, my voice higher pitched than usual.

As Mohji led Y/N away, I couldn't help but watch her go. A strange feeling tugged at me—an unfamiliar sensation. Was it butterflies? Me, Captain Buggy, nervous because of a woman? The world had truly turned upside down.

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