💊 Chapitre 2: Tiresome

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"Why Ain't I Pretty~ Why Ain't I Lovely--"

The small girl's alarm blasted through her room as she groaned lifting her pillow before pulling it to cover her face.

"Soyeon! You better wake up or you'll be late again!"

Soyeon's mother shouts as she busies herself cooking their breakfast her father reads the newspaper while her brother plays with his phone.

The small girl rolled her eyes before throwing her pillow as she sat up, rubbing her eyes trying to get the sleep off her.

She shuts her alarm off before standing up stretching while yawning, she looks at her Mt. Everest clothes.

Soyeon hummed before looking at her phone.

She grabs it and saw that one of her friends was calling.

It's been a hectic two months of senior year yet she's already giving up.

Answering the phone, she puts it on speaker mode and threw it on the edge of her bed as she rummages through her closet on what to wear.

"Hey, Hey, Hey!!!"

"Good morning party people!"

"Is Miyeon Unnie okay? She looks dead."

"Aba putangina mo--"


"I'm just tired Qi, who knew just two months Mrs. Velasquez is already giving away two theses."

"Grumpy old ass lady."

"You said it, Min."

"How are you, Soyeon?"

"Just looking for an outfit to wear, you girls wanna go eat lunch together on our spot?"

"In eat more talk less restaurant? Say less."

"Of course, Yuqi would go, free food."

Soyeon chuckled as she picks her outfit.

"I'll meet you, girls at the fountain! Gotta go!"

The small girl ends the call as she grabs her towel and undergarments before going inside her personal bathroom.

Hanging her towel on the rack, she takes off her pajamas and steps into the shower.

The hot steamy water hits her skin as she sighs and slicks her hair back.

"I wonder where will I get a job... Dad did say he won't support me anymore since he is concentrating on my little brother... Favoritism."

Soyeon rolls her eyes before putting shampoo on her short past the shoulder black hair as grabs the soap and began cleaning herself.

"I hope there's a miracle... I hated that man so much..."

The short girl sighed as she washed the shampoo and soap off herself before grabbing her towel to dry her body and hair.

Wearing her undergarments and now her black pants, she opens her bathroom door and continues to dry her hair.

Humanz In Disorder

I'm here waiting!

Walking right now!

I'm with Yuqi, she's choking on her water.

How the fuck did she choke on water?

By not shutting the freak up :).

Shut up!

Soyeon laughs before grabbing her black shirt and leather jacket, she wears them and combs her hair before grabbing her bag.

She looks at her room thinking if she forgot something.

Seeing her Motorcycle keys, she smirks snatching them before locking her door and running downstairs.

"Soyeon? Breakfast?"

"No need Ma! I'm going to eat out with my friends!"

"That's what you're all good at, why do you even need a doctor that studies psychology? Teenagers are so worthless today..."

Her father shook his head as Soyeon rolled her eyes but smiled softly when her mom gave her a sympathetic smile.

Her brother began to boast about his win in soccer which their father listened to.

"You know old man, I can't wait to get the hell out of this prison you made for me and Mom. Hope you had fun with your side bitch yesterday."

Soyeon sneered as she grabs the apple on the table while glaring at her father.

"You disgraceful--"

"Side bitch?"

Soyeon's father grunts pushing his wife away from him as he stomped his way towards Soyeon who glared at him harder.

"You're going to regret studying that strand, those people are worthless! I told you to be a lawyer! A surgeon! A REAL doctor!"

"Shut up old man! Shut the fuck up! Why would you care anyways? How about sucking my brother's cock since you love him more than me!"

Soyeon shouts as she slams the door close walking towards her motorcycle.

"The time you get here you will have nothing to go home to! I want you out of this house!"

"Then so be it!"

The short girl ignites her motorcycle engine and blasted the smoke on her father's face, riding away.

Her mother frowns as her husband began to throw Soyeon's clothes and things out, she stops her husband and began to put her daughter's clothes and things into a suitcase and boxes.

She looked at the key that was hidden in her necklace.

It was a gift from her sister is she wants to move away, she'll gladly give it to Soyeon now seeing how independent she is.

"I hope you live well my tiny duck..."

AN: Any questions for the author?

Don't be shy now :3

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