💊 Chapitre 47: We Could Stay

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"I can't believe this is happening..."

The short-haired girl whispered as she hides her flashlight in her pocket.

"Believe it or not, we need to save Shuhua from those freaks."

Seung whispered with furrowed eyebrows.

Tzuyu ties her shoelaces tightly.

"So getting chased by crazy fuckers is part of the plan?"

"It's needed..."

Shuhua hummed and looked at Soojin.

"Unnie? Can I walk around the forest?"

"Sure, just come back before lunch."


Shuhua went out of the mansion saying her byes to the others as she began to walk around.

Tzuyu and Ryujin saw Shuhua exit, they immediately walked towards the gate.


Ryujin whispered.

"To run? Yes. To die? No."

Tzuyu grinned as Ryujin chuckled and grabbed a huge rock and threw it at the window.

Soyeon flinched hearing glass shattering, she kicks the doors open.

The others went out too.

Tzuyu glared at them.

"We know you have Shuhua you manipulative gaslighting daughter of Satan's ass!"

She shouts as Soyeon glared back.

"Minnie, Miyeon Unnie. Go kill Ryujin. Soojin and Yuqi, kill Tzuyu. I'll go find Shuhua."

They nodded as they immediately grabbed their weapons to kill and chased the two girls.

Tzuyu pecks Ryujin's forehead.

"See you later dongsaeng!"

"Ne! Unnie!"

The chase began.

Shuhua sits on the rock as she watches the lake.


"Seung Unnie?"

Seung immediately hugs Shuhua and pulled away.

"Shuhua, you need to listen to me. Those girls you're living with! They are crazy! They will kill you! Your unnies are worried for you! Your Jeongyeon Unnie hasn't slept a wink for three weeks! Your Ji-Sun Unnie is still grieving the death of you Sunghoon Oppa! He was killed by Soyeon!"

Shuhua's eyes widened.

"Those boys!? Chan and Soobin!? They were killed by them!"

The girl with the clown mask smirked at me...

She has a familiar ax... Like Soyeon unnies.


"Snap out of it Shuhua! They kidnapped you! They are making your unnies look bad so you won't believe us who are trying to save you from them! They are the ones who are dangerous shu!"

Seung slaps Shuhua's cheek making the girl stumble back and look at Seung.

"You are living with killers!!"


Seung gulped and looked at Shuhua.

"You act like you don't know anything okay? We're going to save you Shuhua."

Soyeon saw them, she saw Shuhua on the ground looking shocked as Seung glared at her.


The short girl immediately swings her ax to Seung who backed away and dodged it immediately as she ran.

"Shushu, go back home. I'll handle this."

Shuhua nods and runs back to the mansion.

But now she realized everything.

Tzuyu jumps over from bushes to stones as she saw Soojin nearing her.

She immediately stopped and kicked Soojin's stomach as she grabbed Yuqi's wrist, throwing her away before running away again.

Ryujin swings over the branch and saw Minnie climbing the tree and Miyeon waiting down.

Minnie stabs her knife towards Ryujin as the girl rolls and slipped off the branch Miyeon readies her saw when the short girl lands on her face with a kick.

She looks up to see Minnie jumping down with her knife ready to piece her head.

Ryujin slides to the left and pushed Minnie towards the bush and vines.

She flips them off and ran.

Seung took advantage of her long legs as Soyeon chased her.

Ryujin saw Seung, the tall girl threw her keys to Ryujin.


Ryujin nods and turns the ignition on as Tzuyu jumped towards the trunk and waited for Seung but the short girl immediately stomped on the pedal.


Seung was getting tired of chasing, but she used every bit of her strength to run faster and reached out her hand for Tzuyu to grab.

Tzuyu grabs her hand and pulled Seung in the trunk.

Soyeon threw her ax, Seung glared at her and in a wink.

She grabbed the ax successfully.

Soyeon's eyes widened.

Seung grinned and threw her middle finger toward her.

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