💊 Chapitre 4: Offer

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The girls were bored to hell, the professor was spouting nonsense it wasn't even aligned with their subject.

"Fuckin hell, can't this boy put on a deodorant?"

Yuqi mumbled beside Minnie who snorts.

"Beats me, the two in front of Miyeon Unnie reeked like expired moldy sardines."

Soyeon whispered beside them as Soojin laughs softly.

"Damn it, I hate sitting here..."

"You lost the game, now you take the punishment."

Soojin grinned as Miyeon pouted and looked away crossing her arms.

"Why is Mr. Baldwin talking about his story when he was younger?"

Yuqi asked as Minnie shrugs.

"It's either he's telling us he had hair back then or was wearing his wig made out of pubes."

"That's disgusting..."

"I know."

"Hey girls, where will you like to eat lunch today."

Soojin asked them as Miyeon finally smiles.

"How about the ramen shop?"

"Too plain."

"Fuck you."

Miyeon glared at Yuqi who pretends to puke.

"No thanks, Grandma."

Minnie giggles.

"How about the hotpot place just beside that suspicious-looking gate beside the academy gates?"

She suggested as the others nodded, liking the suggestion.

"After that, you girls help me find a job."

"For sure, Yeon."

"Sure, I have nothing to do anyways..."

"I need a job too."


"Thanks, girls."

As the class bell rang, they gathered their things and made a U-turn towards the hotspot shop.

As they began to put their toppings, Yuqi opens up the conversation of the dream jobs.

"Do you think we can handle patients that are a bit loco?"

Yuqi asked as she slurps the noodles in her bowl.

"I mean... We did sign up for this, plus... I love helping people."

Miyeon shrugs as Minnie munches on the cooked beef.

"Wouldn't it be more crazy if we got offered a job?"

Soojin whispered as Soyeon hummed and grabbed the cooked pork and beef towards her table making Yuqi nag at her to eat vegetables.

"It'll be cool though! Kinda? But, we did make a promise."

Minnie grinned as everyone nodded.

"Hey, excuse me?"

The girls looked up to see a pale woman smiling at them.

"Did you girls just say you're looking for a job that relates to your strand?"


The pale woman sits beside them and showed them her I.D.

"My name is Dr. Jung Ji-Sun, Co-Founder of DR Asylum."

Ji-Sun smiles as Yuqi chocked on her soup making Soojin pat her back.

Soyeon felt giddy.

Is this fate?

Is fate really agreeing with them right now?

"It must be too sudden for me but, may I see your notebooks?"

As they gave their notebooks to Ji-Sun, the pale woman smiles seeing how they listened well to their lessons and how they excel in them.

They are perfect.

"Amazing! You girls are a bunch of geniuses!"

Ji-Sun exclaims as she laughs proudly.

The girls looked down bashfully, Soojin clears her throat.

"So... What is it you want from us, Ms. Jung?"

"Please, just call me Dr. Ji-Sun. I'm here to offer a job for you five... In the asylum behind the academy."


Miyeon covers Yuqi's mouth as she gasped.

"Yes, and since I'm taking a break... Maybe you girls could take over the asylum for a while? What do you say?"

They looked at each other.

"We'll think about it, Dr. Ji-Sun!"

Soyeon grinned as Ji-Sun nods and stood up, she gave them a calling card before waving at them.


They looked at the calling card excitedly.

"Am I dreaming?"

Yuqi whispered as Miyeon punched her shoulder making her yelp.

"There, you aren't."

The Beijing pouts before looking at Minnie.

"How about we think about this later once we get home?"

The Thai suggested as they nodded.

"But... Girls, isn't Jung Ji-Sun the name of our Headmaster's sister?"

Soojin asked as Miyeon gasped again and slams her chopsticks down.

"Yes! Jung Jeongyeon!"

Their eyes widened.

Fate must be with them.

AN: saging saging

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