💊 Chapitre 42: Oh, Darling

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"So what's the plan Unnie..."

Ji-Sun whispered beside Jeongyeon as they converse in the kitchen while Shuhua watches TV.

"I'm planning on shutting that academy down... And make it to another asylum, we open it to the public."

Jeongyeon sighed.

It was raining outside.

There were thunder strikes.

The lights flickered.

Shuhua dozes off on the sofa as the TV went static.

"Signal is off... It's raining cats and dogs outside..."

Jeongyeon whispered as she sighs and grabbed the blanket beside Shuhua and laid it on her, Ji-Sun went upstairs to wash up.

Two girls went to their backyard and looked at the fuse box.

They began to mess around with the switch.

Jeongyeon sighs and went upstairs to get their flashlights and candles Incase there'll be a blackout.

The camera zooms on Shuhua's sleeping face.

Hyunjin studies his board.

"These clues... It all leads to Shuhua's name..."

He whispers.

"Look, first we have the guards... Those students... The uncle... The teacher... Those two boys from a rich family... And then more..."

Hyunjin sighs as he rubs his hands on his face with a frustrated grunt.

"And then they have carved arms... All of it has her name on it."

The police look behind him to see the tall girl that her wife took care of back at the asylum.


"Those five doctors. Those doctors Shuhua had, were acting so strange to her. They began sniffing her, stalking her, and glaring at everyone who gets close to her. Even if it's a family member, a friend, or anything she's close with."

Seung walks towards hyunjin's board and grabbed the red strings and pushes the pins.

"These five girls are the cost of those murders, and they are obsessed..."

She pins it to Shuhua's picture.

"With her."

Shuhua wakes up with a cute yawn as she looks around and noticed that the TV went static.

Standing up, she grabs her glass to refill it with water.

Walking towards the kitchen she looks around, she felt like someone was watching her.

She shakes her head and sips her water before going to the window to peek outside.

The camera zooms in towards her peeking at the window.

Shuhua sighs and walked away, she went upstairs to her room to read a book.

Jeongyeon was busy looking for the flashlight while Ji-Sun dries her hair.

The lights flickered.

The camera zooms on Shuhua reading a book.


Shuhua immediately whipped her head towards the door, it was open.

The lights went off.

She stands up and looked around, she grabs her flashlight and walks out of her room.

Jeongyeon groans as she went out of the house to check on the fuse box as Ji-Sun went with her.

The Cherry and the Princess grinned as they saw the two outside fixing the fuse box.

They immediately pulled the rope that made Jeongyeon trip and sprain her ankle, Ji-Sun groans as she got slammed on the side of the fuse box.

The Thai waits in the car.

Shuhua went downstairs as the Beijing zooms the camera to her.


She shouts.

"Where are you guys?!"

Shuhua pouts but then stopped seeing the TV on, it was statics.


She whispered as she looks at the kitchen, it was dark.

The short girl giggles seeing Shuhua's curious face.

But as Shuhua whipped her head back to the TV.

It was showing... Her.

She furrowed her eyebrows.

Hyunjin pushed the pedal as Seung puts on her seatbelt slowly.

"They have to know! Those little bitches!"

She whips her attention back to the kitchen and noticed a red dot on the table.

As she approached it, someone hugs her from behind.


Shuhua looks behind her to see Soyeon.

"Unnie? What are you doing here?"

Soyeon giggled as she grabs Shuhua's hands.

"Your unnies are going to put you in a different asylum, so we're here trying to save you!"

"W-What--but... They said I'm getting bet--"

"They're lying to you Amica mea..."

Soyeon frowns as Shuhua gulps.

"That's why I'm here with the others! We're here to save you! We won't let them see you're a freak... You are shushu... My shushu... Ours."

The short girl grinned as she caressed Shuhua's hair.


"Good! Now follow me!"

Jeongyeon and Ji-Sun heard a car screech.


"Yah! Ji-Sun! Are you okay!?"

Hyunjin shouts as Seung helps Jeongyeon.

"I'm good..."

Ji-Sun touched her bleeding head.


They whipped their heads towards the car driving away.

"Who's car..."


Hyunjin cuts Ji-Sun off as he rushed inside the house.


The two Jung's eyes widened.

"What's happening!?"

Jeongyeon asked as Seung looks at them.

"Your sister has stalkers, they are obsessed with her. And those are the doctors... You went to give her."

Seung points at Ji-Sun, her eyes widened in fear.


AN: hai

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