💊 Chapitre 22: Adore You

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The Thai waves at Soojin, Soyeon, and Miyeon who visited the other patients as she makes her way to the pale girl's room.

And as she did, she couldn't help but think about Shuhua's past.

The poor girl didn't deserve any of that shit.

Her anger went up as she clenched her coat, she smiles at other doctors, some were looking at her admiring how she looks.

She opens the vault and looks around, only to spot the two cuddling.

Minnie smiles and enter the room and went towards the bed to wake Yuqi.

"Hey, woogs. Time to wake up, it's my turn."

She whispered as Yuqi whined and went back to sleep as she felt the pale girl pull her closer, the Beijing enjoyed being the big spoon, it felt like she held this big responsibility which she will protect.

Minnie rolls her eyes and shook the Beijing's shoulder.

"Wake up, dummy. It's my turn."


Yuqi sighed as she pulls Shuhua closer, the pale girl didn't budge as she likes the warmth.

But then she flutters her eyes open to see the beautiful Sapphire eyes of the Thai who smiled at her, Shuhua sits up and excitedly made grabby hands towards Minnie who seems shocked at her new action.

Minnie's smile went wide seeing this, she smacks Yuqi's head making Shuhua flinch.

"It's not because of you, ที่รัก."

The Thai reassures the pale girl who nods as she taps Yuqi's forearm.

"Woogie... Wake up..."

The pale girl speaks.

Yuqi immediately shots out of the bed and smiled at Shuhua, her smile could blind all the people in the room as her Emerald eyes shined.

Shuhua looks at Minnie waiting for her, the Thai grinned and sat down as she wraps her arms around the pale girl.

The pale girl smiles at the new warmth as she snuggles closer to Minnie's chest.

Yuqi pouted and looked at Shuhua.

"Bye-bye woogie..."

Shuhua waves at Yuqi who felt her heart race again, God this girl is killing her.

"Don't worry shu! We'll see each other later, I'll bid goodnight."

Yuqi grinned as Shuhua nods and held out her hand.

The Beijing curiously held Shuhua's hand, feeling the pale girl pull her hand towards her lips, her heart pounded in her chest as all the blood in her body rushed towards her face.

You could probably imagine smoke coming out of her ears.

Minnie Snickers seeing Yuqi's very very reddish face.

"See You Later, Woogie."

Yuqi smiles as she immediately rushed outside, slamming the vault door close.

Shuhua flinched as Minnie held her tightly.

The pale girl looked up with puppy eyes as if she was asking if she made the Beijing girl mad.

Minnie caressed her jet-black hair with a gentle smile.

"She's not mad, Shushu. Woogie is just shy because you're so cute!"

The Thai grins as the pale girl felt her heart beating a bit fast as she felt her stomach churning.

"What's happening? Am I having a stomach ache? Did I eat too much? Am I getting fat? Oh no... What if they'll laugh at me? They'd probably think I'm a freak..."

Minnie noticed Shuhua spacing out, she placed her hand on the pale girl's cheek and made her look up.

"What's wrong, ที่รัก?"

"Shushu is thinking..."

The Thai smiles.

"Thinking about what?"

Shuhua looks down with a sad pout.

"Thinking that she is a hideous being..."

Minnie frowns as she made Shuhua look up again, she held this sincerity in her Sapphire eyes.

"Shushu, Minnie Unnie does not think you are hideous. Unnie thinks you are very cute! Pretty! And so so soooooo fun to be with!"

The Thai hugs Shuhua's waist tightly with a cute giggle.

The pale girl felt her face heat up, this new feeling...

She doesn't feel it whenever she's with her siblings or her friends.

This is new.

And it's true.

"You're just saying that because you want me to get better... Then after that, you'll leave me."

The pale girl whispered.

Minnie smiles, she sighs, and cupped both of Shuhua's cheeks.

"I do want you to get better, I want you to be healed, to be happy, to be free! I want you to live with no fear, I'll be with you until you want me to, Shushu."

"You promise?"

"Of course..."

Minnie stared at Shuhua's smiling face, it's her face time to see the pale girl smile at her with her peaky white teeth.

She could feel her heart pound.

She adores her smile.

AN: What if, nasagasaan Yung greatest love mo?

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