💊 Chapitre 3: DR Asylum

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DR Asylum, also known as Dark Red Asylum.

It was hidden in the back of the most prestigious Academy, The Headmaster and Founder of the asylum agreed in terms of their secret.

The Jung's.

Jung Jeongyeon was the oldest, she stepped up as the parents when their parents died. She's the founder of the Academy.

Jung Ji-Sun was the middle child, she's a Doctor in the asylum but is also the Co-Founder of the DR Asylum as her best friend is the founder.

Jung Shuhua was the youngest, sadly at the age of ten when their parents were still alive had received a lot of trauma from such a young age, and to this day she still has them.

When Jeongyeon and Ji-Sun learned about their little sister's disorder, they talked to her by taking her to the Asylum which she didn't like at first but soon accepted she was a hideous being which her sisters tried to tell her she was not.

The asylum didn't look like your average one, the underground of the building held the most dangerous patients.

The first floor was the lobby.

The second floor was the cafeteria for the patients who were less violent and for the doctors, which their tables were separated and had this glass barrier.

The third floor was the rooms of the mild violent patients, and the fourth floor too.

The fifth floor was where the laundromat and gym is.

They also have a huge backyard and a front yard with a playground.

Every Patient was treated the same, a human being.

But some guards sneaked in abuse.


Hearing the vault door open, the pale girl perks up and looked at the glass to see her sister.

She nervously began to fidget with the hem of her clothes as she trembles, she sweats, and began to breathe heavily.

"Shushu, it's me... Ji-Sun Unnie."



Ji-Sun enters her room as Shuhua began to crawl towards her like a baby and sat near her foot while trembling looking around the room like a scared puppy.

The doctor frowns as she squats down and hugged Shuhua who placed her hand on Ji-Sun's arm and pats it as she was still looking around the room.

"... Shushu... Unnie has something to say..."

Shuhua averts her attention to Ji-Sun.

"Unnie... Is getting married..."

"S-Sunghoon Oppa?"

Ji-Sun smiles softly as her little sister croaks out the name of her soon-to-be husband.

"Yes... But shushu, since Unnie is getting married... Unnie has to take a break--"

"Unnie will leave!? Don't leave!"

Shuhua began to shake violently as she cries, Ji-Sun frowns and tightened her arms around Shuhua.

"Baby no, Unnie will still visit you twice a week but someone has to take my spot..."

"B-But shushu only wants Unnie..."

The pale girl sniffs as she hides her face on her sister's neck.

"I know, but lookie here Shushu..."

Shuhua pulls away from the hug as Ji-Sun smiled at her holding her hands.

"Unnie and Rin Unnie will find you the best doctor! Or many doctors that can be your friend!"

"F-Friend? B-But shushu is ugly, friends will not like shushu... She's fat and horrible..."

"Shh, don't say that to yourself Shushu. Unnie sees the opposite, remember that Jeongyeon Unnie and I love you okay?"

Shuhua nods as Ji-Sun grins and kissed her little sister's forehead.

"Now come along, it's backyard time. Let's meet your other friends."

"Aish! Seung! Stop beating the shit out of the guard!"

The tall girl looked at the doctor, she lets the man go as she made her way toward the other two patients.

"Where's Shushu?"

"She'll be here later, Tzu."

"Ryujin is scared..."

Ryujin hides herself behind Seung as Tzuyu scoots closer to the tall girl's arms, Rin smiles a little before looking at the open doors to see Ji-Sun trying to calm Shuhua down.

"There are your friends, see?"

Shuhua averts her eyes to the four as she happily ran to them and sat beside Tzuyu who felt calm now.

"Why are your eyes puffy, Tzu?"

The pale girl asked.

"I cried, I think I look too fat..."

Ryujin peeks on Seung's shoulder, she hates talking but she managed to have three friends.

"So, how did Shuhua take in the news?"

"She's a bit fine with it, but she's scared of the new doctors..."

"Who are they anyways?"

"Well... We have to find some, a proper fresh one."

"Alright, when do we start?"


AN: sheesh men

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