💊 Chapitre 49: It Ends Here (Ending 1)

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The two Jungs looked at the open doors to see the girls leaving.

Now's the time to strike.

Their Plan.

Jeongyeon throws gallons of gas on the grass and trees as Shuhua sets up wire traps that will trigger the flam thrower faced on the back of the house where the kitchen is.

Shuhua climbs into the room and filled the pipes with poppers as she ties the clog near the open window of her room.

Jeongyeon replaced the car keys with fake ones, it was actually the keys of her house.

The pale girl sighs and called Hui's number.

"Listen and don't talk. As soon the clock strikes two, call Mr. Hwang to ready the getaway car at exactly 3:30, tell him to drive past the forest, and don't stop! Trust me on this one."

Hui gulps looking at the clock.



"Good luck you three."

The phone call ends as Jeongyeon immediately saw the girls.

Shuhua saw a message.

I'll be there.

"Hello, Il mio sole!"

Miyeon cooed as she hugs Shuhua and kissed her, Soyeon went to check the kitchen and saw Jeongyeon tied on the chair not knowing the rope was loose.

She Snickers.

Minnie went upstairs and saw that Shuhua's window was open, as soon as she closed the window, the clog was removed and multiple poppers were heard outside alarming the five girls.

Soojin and Yuqi check outside, but the Beijing girl tripped on the wire making the flame thrower burst out flames.

And as if the scene was in slow motion, Jeongyeon stood up and threw the chair at Soyeon and ran to grab Shuhua who immediately rushed to her sister as they ran outside.

Soyeon's eyes widened seeing the flames.

The kitchen explodes.

Due to the explosion, the forest and the grass caught fire.

They ran and separated through the flaming forest, the others chased them.

Soyeon with a half-burnt face growled as she grabbed her ax angrily and stood up with shaking legs.


Minnie coughs as she looks around the flames and saw a figure standing there.


Seung whispered.

The Thai didn't waste time to send a strong right jab on Seung's face, the taller girl scoffed and kneed Minnie, and threw her to the ground.

Seung was about to pierce the branch on Minnie's stomach when she got tackled by Soojin.

The two rolled on the grass with flames, Soojin sent two strong punches on Seung's face making the tall girl cough blood when she pushed Soojin off and kicked her face making her bump into the tree, the tree fell and crashed into the recovering Thai.

The flame engulfed the tree as Minnie watched in horror.

Soojin shouts her name when Seung grabbed the branch and pierced it through the cherry and pushed her through the burning tree and threw her there along with Minnie.

Seung was breathless, she grabs her pack of cigarettes and took one out lighting it up as she smokes watching the two burn.

Miyeon saw Jeongyeon running, and just as she was about to throw her knives, Ryujin appeared with a sledgehammer breaking her knees.

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