💊 Chapitre 33: Starting To See Differently

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It's been a week, no visits, no fun, no laughter.

But Shuhua's been doing okay!

"Look... She improved..."

Rin whispered beside her best friend who felt so happy and excited to place Shuhua out in the real world.

Shuhua looks at the chair, she was getting her check-up.

She waves at her Unnie who waves back.

"Rin... I think it's time for our patients to be free... Seung can handle her bipolarity, Tzuyu has been eating now, and Ryujin is opening up more... And now Shushu... My shushu is finally..."

The male doctor smiles and gave Shuhua a candy, which the pale girl happily grabs.

"My names shushu!"

"My name is Lee Hoetaek, you can call me Hui..."

"Why you wear a uniform?"

"Oh! It's because I study near the academy here."

Hui smiles.

"Shushu friend!"

Shuhua pats Hui's arm.

He is now a certified Shushu friend.

"So this is what Soojin said... She's adorable."

Hui giggles as he stood up and dusted his shirt.

"I wonder how are they..."



"Yuqi? Are you okay? You've been awfully quiet..."

"She must be having a mental crisis without Shushu."

Yuqi looks at the screen, her friends were asking if she was okay.

She felt more than okay.

She felt thrilled, killing that assfuck last week was an adrenaline wash.

The call ended between them and the Thai went inside her room.



Minnie sat beside Yuqi.

"Spill. I know you have a lot of questions."

"Why... Did I see you... So bloody last week?"

Minnie was sleeping as Lisa and Sorn were knocked out on the floor.

She hears the front door open, so she peeks only to see Yuqi stepping inside with bloody hands and a psychotic look on her face.

She was grinning widely as she rushed towards her room.

"I killed someone."

Minnie's eyes widened at how blandly Yuqi said that.

"Y-Yuqi... That's not fun--"

"Unnie. I killed someone. He was harassing Shuhua. He kept howling like a fucking dog. So what better solution is to shut up a dog? Smash the metal pipe on his head until it bashes open."

Yuqi whispered.

Minnie's mind went blank hearing what happened to Shuhua.

"Unnie, when I felt Shuhua's lips in mine... It felt magical... I know she feels the same, I just know it. I can feel it. Don't you miss Shuhua too Unnie? Don't you want to hold her forever? Don't you want to be with her always? You love her don't you?"

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