💊 Chapitre 32: Under The Moonlight

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The pale girl pats the other swing making the Beijing smile happily and sit.

As they sway around the swings, Yuqi looks at Shuhua with a soft smile.

"So Shushu... I have something to tell you... Our teacher gave us a load of assignments and we can't visit you for two weeks..."

Yuqi frowns as Shuhua pouts and tears up.

"You're leaving me?"

"No! I would never!"

The Beijing panicked as she stood up and waved her hands in front of Shuhua.

Yuqi kneeled in front of Shuhua and hugged her waist stuffing her face on the pale girl's neck.

"Don't cry! I won't leave you, Shushu! It's just that... We have something to do... Too much to do, and we'll get busy B-But I promise! I'll visit when I can."

The Beijing grins as she pulls away from the hug, but her breath hitched seeing the moonlight make the pale girl's face glow.

Shuhua stared deeply at the Beijing's emerald eyes, and Yuqi gulped.

She slowly made her hand cup both of the pale girl's cheeks, Shuhua leans in her hands with her eyes both closed.

Yuqi leans in but stopped, her lips inches away from Shuhua's.

She grabbed all of the strength within her to close the gap between them, Shuhua's eyes widened feeling soft pair of lips pressed with hers.

This was a new feeling, it's like someone electrocuted her inside.

As Yuqi pulls away, her cheeks flared realizing what she did.

"Oh, shit--"

She stands up and dusted her pants while looking away.

Her heart thumped louder and louder causing her to cuss and sigh deeply.

Shuhua placed her fingertips above her lips as she looks down still feeling the Beijing's soft pair of lips.

"It's getting late shushu, you should go to sleep now..."

"What was that? Was that a kiss Sunghoon oppa told me he keeps giving Ji-Sun Unnie? Is it? If so... It feels so magical... It feels so warm... Oppa said it's a sign that a person likes you or loves you, but What is love?"

As Yuqi walks away to run away from her embarrassment, Shuhua grabs her wrist and pulled her back.

Their lips pressed together again as their hearts began to race fast.

Yuqi gasps and looked at Shuhua's hooded charcoal eyes.

She leans down so Shuhua's neck won't hurt and placed both of her hands on the pale girl's hips.

The wind blew softly as the moon glows while they share a long tender kiss.

Shuhua was the first to pull away, the Beijing chased back for her lips but the pale girl covers her lips.

"Goodnight Woogie."

The pale girl whispered as she turns around and walked away.

The Beijing blushed furiously as she touched her lips, she jumps around the playground and spins happily.

She made some flips and whisper shout while fist-bumping the air like an excited puppy.

But as she follows Shuhua inside the building, her eyes widened seeing some guards hit on her.

Shuhua looks away and ignored them but they kept howling for her.

Yuqi's hands twitched, she looks at the side to see a metal pipe.

What's the problem Yuqi?

Do you want Shuhua? I know you do. You need her.

Don't let anyone take her.

Yuqi! Come on! Pick that pipe up!





Yuqi breathes heavily as she shakily grabs the metal pipe.

As soon as Shuhua went out of sight, she grabs a coin and tossed it towards the guard.

The guard looks at the coin and then to Yuqi who gave him a flirty smile.

The guard was dumb enough to follow her, Yuqi went out and went behind the doors where there is no CCTV.

"Hey where'd you g--"

Blood splashed on the ground and grass as the guard plops down in his own blood.

Yuqi wipes the blood that was splashed on her cheeks off as she grabs the guard's ankle and dragged him towards the pit of fire where the janitors would throw the trash.

She throws the guard and the pipe on the fire letting them burn as she grabs the hose and cleans the blood off the grass and ground.

It Felt Good didn't it Yuqi?

Your first murder.

It's for Shuhua.

Don't you want to be with her?

You NEED to be with her...



AN: eme ka beh

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