New House

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Author's note:
I didn't feel like using a 'chapter' to explain stuff because the majority of the things I already explained, so I just wanted to ask you two question:
How much long do you want the chapters?
And I was thinking on adding an extra scene at the of the chapter, like at the end of a film, what do you think?

Also English is not my first linguage so... I hope you hate grammar.

Other than that... Enjoy :)


It would have been nice to say i was sleeping since it was late, but all i did was close my eyes and rest them as we went to the new house. Many people think that moving is a trivial matter, but it's actually harder than it sounds. First you had to choose the house, then also any new furniture, renovations... And finally, after a month, the house was ready! I already know this city, I used to live there when I was little before my parents divorced. Now I'm moving back because mom and dad have decided to get back together and want to get things back to the way they were before. Many will assume that I have no friends in this city, but having my grandparents here I often came to this area and in addition I kept in touch with the friends I had before moving.

"Gri, we've arrived" My father said, knocking on the window

They had already gotten out of the car and I hadn't noticed it lost in my thoughts, as usual.

I heard the door opposite at mine open and I saw my sister, Ashley, sleeping as she hugged a stuffed T-Rex. He had pale yellow wings, like my friend Jimmy. She had just turned 6 years old. Although we are siblings, we don't have the same father, his father went to get the milk as soon as he found out that mom was pregnant. Speaking of my mom, she was the one who had opened the door and was picking her up. Unlike Dad and I, she had big white wings that Dad had always described as angelic, while ours were red, yellow and blue.
He got out of the car holding my rucksack, picked up the phone to see what time it was and I wasn't surprised to find it was 01:32.

“Ready to start over?” My dad nudged me
“mhm” A very tired version of me answered

I woke fully awake when I realized that another car had just been parked across the street with another family in it who had just exited it. I locked eyes with a boy my own age, a clearly tired elf. I waved him and he did it back. The house across from mine looked empty, as if no one lived there. Maybe it was just a coincidence or maybe the elf in front of me had just moved as well.

“Grian, come here honey” My mom said
“Coming” I replied

And so we entered the new house, much bigger than the previous one and above all it was empty. The only pieces of furniture present were those in the kitchen, the bathroom and the beds. It was obvious that we had to do a lot of work, but that was something for tomorrow morning.

I threw myself into bed trying to sleep even though tiredness made it difficult, plus I was excited to return to this city: in the old school I didn't have many friends and I always relied on those with whom I spent the summer and the thought of going to school together filled me with joy.

After a while I felt someone touch my back and I immediately recognized that touch, I turned to see a little girl with brown hair and blue eyes like mine who clearly couldn't sleep.

“Trouble sleeping, uh?” I asked her
“hmmm” Ashley nodded
"Come here come on" I said making her some space on the bed

For those who have siblings with little age difference, they might think it's strange that a 16-year-old boy sleeps with a little girl, but trust me it's normal.

She cuddled softly next to me as I hugged her, obviously she had brought her stuffed animal with her and I couldn't blame her. We fell asleep, or rather she fell asleep while I was distracted by every single noise. It's not the first time I've moved house and that's why I got used to it, but Ashley couldn't remember the first time she moved so for her it was like it felt like the first time. I knew she was agitated and for this reason she sleeping reassured me.

The next day I felt light in my eyes, only later did I realize that mom had come to wake us up.

“GOOD MORNING SLEEPERS!” Someone screamed
“Five more minutes,” My sister said as she stretched

Only then I realized that what was a hug until a few hours ago was now more like my sister who acted as a sheet.

"Grian taught you that, didn't he?" My mom joked
“Don't put me in the middle of this,” I muttered as I sat down

We went downstairs to have breakfast, for a moment I forgot that I had moved house. I took a closer look at the dusty home and came to the conclusion that we had a lot of work to do.

“Do you know that those who live in front of us have just moved as well?”

The milk I was drinking almost came out of my nose at the news that yesterday's boy was new and maybe more lost than me

“I want to meet them!” my sister said

"First clean yourself up, you're dirty" I replied

*Ding Dong*

"I'll go," my mother said

My father started talking about the plans for the house and how we should hurry to assemble the furniture. I noticed that he tried in every way to get my sister's attention, even asking some help, but for her my father was a stranger who had moved in with us.

“These are our new neighbors” My mom said letting them in

I always hated how she always let unwanted guests in with no problem, it was obvious we needed to fix this place, or better say fill it up.
I recognized the elf boy from the night before, only now I could see him well enough to describe him. Short hair, emerald eyes and many scars, one of which started from the cheek to pass slightly through the nose.

I'm not that good at reading people and I admit I'm gullible. However, for some reason it was very easy to tell that the elf was bored and uncomfortable and I knew how to make it better.


Author's note:
I think I'll post like once a week.
For now is everything, for this chapter, no extra scene because we are just at the start.

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