11: Thinking and Gayness

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Author's note:
I have NO IDEA of how to name this chapter.

If after reading this monster of words you have some ideas, let me know!

Also, I was suppose to uploud a week ago-


I have ideas for next chapter.

And there are Christmas holidays which means I can procrastinate instead of writing even more


Scar's POV
Do you remember that awkward silence when Grian received a call? Here's what happened in the meantime:

There was silence.

Too much silence

Until Mumbo spoke.

"One he's gonna prank you too"

And then the food arrived and you already know what happened

Other than that the day went pretty well... I think? Don't get me wrong, I'm very sociable and very good at socializing, I just never got beyond the first chat.


Well... My old school sucked and it's hard to learn how to socialize if no one outside of your relatives wants to be around you.

But let's talk about something happier, like the fact that I'm making friends! I can't read Grian and part of me has given up on explaining why; maybe it was fate, maybe it's God who decided to give me a gift.

But let's be honest, if God was real he would be a total asshole. And I'm not even sure if I should consider it a gift.

Maybe it was fate, maybe it's my reward for all those shitty years I've been through and that certainly aren't over.

Or maybe it was a simple coincidence.

Maybe it was nothing.

Maybe they would get tired of me.

Maybe I was fantasizing a little too much.

But negativity has never been a passion of mine and it won't be now.

Grian's POV
It was 7 and we had already eaten, all four of us were in the living room, mum and dad on the sofa while my sister and I were on the cold floor. Ashley took me into her very complicated world of dolls and buildings with simple stories by giving me the “Ken” barbie and she held Barbie and another barbie that was apparently named Amy.

“Amy, do you want to go shopping with me? Then we can go to the beach" Said 'Barbie'

“Of course, I would be delighted Barbie!” 'Amy' replied

"Then let's go!"

So Barbie and Amy went to a "supermarket" made up mostly of air, but from which they bought fish, meat, fruit, sweets and 3 cakes. The most impressive thing was that the whole thing only cost $13! I made a mental note to visit this very cheap supermarket. Afterwards, as Barbie had said, she and Amy headed towards the beach which strangely lacked sand. On the beach they met the strong and beautiful Ken. That's when I discovered that Ken and Barbie were engaged.

“Um… hi… Barbie…” Ken said quite confused

“You need to show more love!” Ashley scolded me

“Okay, now Ken will show more love” I replied smiling

“Hello my love, I'm so happy to see you! You are the light of my life and what makes my heart beat! I could never live without you!” Ken said in a sarcastic and obviously fake tone, but Barbie didn't need to know this.

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