12: Hanging Out

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Author's Note:
So... for the first time I'm publishing from my pc, so say hi to my pc.
I decided to update Wattpad and now it's all laggy and stuff and I don't like it. Also, I was suppose to uploud a week ago...

Anygays, in this chapter there will be a little bit of explanation about species, buy if you are still confused I will explaine it better next chapter



Grian's POV
I spent the morning doing housework, Ashley and YouTube. Plus I decided it was time to set up my cheap gaming station which would be very useful for procrastinating instead of studying. Plus I realized I still didn't have Scar's phone number and decided to fix it.

I put on a red t-shirt with black knee shorts and looked out from the balcony of Ashley's room which gave a nice view of Scar's house, I opened my wings and reached the upstairs window of Scar's house. Usually avians don't fly long distances since we have other means of transportation, but it happened very often to have a conversation at 10/15 meters in the air with Pearl and Jimmy.

The window led to the living room downstairs since they had a high roof and a hallway leading to the entrance (I don't know how to explain it). I noticed that the house was silent, as if everyone was asleep. I looked at the time on my phone and saw that it was 12:27, too late to sleep according to Scar's weird clock (I had only gotten up an hour and a half ago because my mom forced me).

At that moment I realized that I looked like a real stalker, so I got out to get to the entrance.I decided to wait since I had nothing better to do. 





"Oh hi Grian! What are you doing here?"

FINALLY! Scar had arrived.

He was wearing a light sweatshirt and jeans and at that moment I wondered how he was not dying of the heat, plus I saw three white plastic bags that looked far too heavy to have been carried on foot from the nearest supermarket. This man was a menace

"Nothing, I realized I didn't have your phone number" I said getting up

I explained his ability to carry so many bags at once by the fact that he was an elf. For those who don't know, each species has its own special abilities, avians (not all) can fly, mermaids can breathe underwater, practically everyone had the abilities of their animal. The elves had above average strength (which also leads to a larger build) and some had better aim and reflexes, plus they all had the instinct to protect and I always found that very cute.

"And you came here just for this?"


Yes, I was and still am an idiot. In my defense, I had nothing to do.

"Ashley forced me to play with her for half an hour and when she decided to put on makeup no me I knew I had to run" I lied jokingly while scratching my head

Scar looked at me for a while until he shrugged, put the bags in his right hand on the ground, and took the keys out of his pocket. I made room for him to open the door.

"Since you don't want to be tortured, do you wanna come in? My parents are sleeping but as long as we don't make any noise everything will be fine" Scar offered me with a smile.

I accepted and in a short time I was in his kitchen helping him organize the shopping.

"But did you bring all these things from the supermarket?" I asked

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