an explanation

93 5 24

So, we need to talk.

I know it's been months, but things happened-

Let me count them...

1) the final exam that will decide my final grade (I'm not graduati but in my country at the end of a certain year you have to do a big exam, I'll do it after the end of the school year)

2) being, for the first time, vittima of bullying (not very serious  but it fucked my brain)

3) I made itl friends! :D

4) one of my online friends being in literal war (she doesn't live in a great place)

5) and generali no motivation

So... I don't think I will be continuing this story, that doesn't mean I won't post anymore though.

Maybe... when I know I'll be able to finish something

As I said, I'm really sorry.

I wish you well.

(If someone wants to know something about Bread, the writer who wrote that 60+ chapter story, she won't be back soon)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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