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Author's note:
So... I'm late, like really late
In my defence, I was gonna publish it yestersay but my cat asked for attentions, and I'm not even joking that's the reason I'm posting it today-

Anyway, in this chapter there will not be much, just some talking.
If you want the interesting stuff well... just wait


Grian's POV
Have I been mean? Yes.
Do I regret it? No.

If you're confused by what is happening, I'll explain it to you very quickly. I invited a friend, Mumbo, to my house to help me. I called him and it was going all perfectly until he asked me for directions to my house.

“Hey, exactly where do you live?”

“On the street parallel to where my grandparents live”

“Which parallel street, which door number?”

“You'll know as soon as you see it, I have to go now. Hi”

“No, wait - GRIAN”

*cuts off on phone*

Yes, the thought that he was going to knock on every door in the neighborhood made me laugh a lot. It got even funnier when he approached my house. Almost nobody had come to visit us yet, and I say almost nobody because Mumbo was about to knock on the only family who knew who I was.


If Mrs. GoodTime or Mr. GoodTime had answered I was done for, they would have been able to tell where I lived and I certainly couldn't have told them not to answer. I was worried until…


Hope that maybe, just maybe, the prank wouldn't end this way. Why? It was Scar who opened the door. I made myself visible through the window so the elf could see me and I motioned for him to not say anything; the fact that Mumbo hadn't come rushing over to my house let me know he got the message. Now you must know that Mumbo is not a very smart person and therefore instead of checking the houses on the street he checked them by 'side', that is: first he checked all the houses that were on one side and then he checked those on the other side and because of that it took him a long, and I mean a long time to check the houses before he got to the right one.

*Ding Dong*

At the sound of the bell I ran down, and as I expected I found myself facing the protagonist of this and of the last chapter

*looks directly at the forth wall*

Yes, I'm talking about Mumbo

“DUDE, THIS IS LIKE THE 13TH HOUSE” Mumbo said as he opened the door gesturing with his hands

"I know and I'm proud of it" I said smiling and crossing my arms

Mumbo made his way into the dusty, cluttered house that now belonged to me. He stopped in the entryway to look at the house, then looked at me with a look that was waiting for something.

“So where do I have to help you?” He ask

"I thought I'd tell you, but now that you've asked me, I want you to look for my room" I said with a smile

“I've been literally 1 1/2 hours looking around and you want me to continue? You can forget about it!" He said crossing his arms and looking to the other side

A chuckle escaped me, which turned into an outburst of laughter for all the time I'd been holding it back. He looked at me and I saw him smile.

“The coolest thing is that I saw you knocking on ALL doors opposite mine! Luckily Scar didn't say anything.” I laughed

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