10: Out With Friends

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Author's note:
So, I said I would have doubke-updated yesterday.... BUT

When ppl read the story I was already sleeping- yeah... We all love timezones...

So now read this chapter.

You have no choice.

It's an order.

Read it.


Love ya <3


We looked at each other. For some reason I expected the elf to lead the way, but of course it was my task. I started walking towards school and he happily followed me. We started talking about this and that, at first he seemed agitated but over time he began to loosen up. Do you realize that this one here at 1 am sleeping? I usually stay up late, I'm not a morning person at all while Scar was already awake at 9am. I would never have understood it.

Among other things I would never understand why I thought not eating breakfast would be a good idea. I felt less stupid when I heard Scar's belly growl.

"Are you hungry?" I asked curiously

“No no” He said lying

I looked at him with a look that said 'do I seem stupid enough to believe that?'.
I felt stupid again when my belly groaned loudly too. We both looked at it and then at each other.

“I know a nice place nearby, do you want to go?”

“That would be a good idea, what's the name of the place?”

“'The Bakery of Goodness', that's a really nice place” I said

“If I were to take anyone on a date I would definitely bring them here” Mumbo once said

Still a weird comment

We headed towards the bakery continuing to talk. I advertised the bakery well since I described it as a perfect place, even though it was a perfect place. The food was delicious, the room was beautiful and a friend of mine worked there, what more could I ask for?
We arrived in front of the bakery that Scar was obviously about to pass. We went in ready to devour whatever was available to us. We heard the bell ringing announcing the arrival of guests and I was greeted with the good news that Pearl was on duty that day, but if you think that good news ends there you are wrong, because Mumbo was also present. They both turned to us and Pearl put on her best bartender smile.

“Hello Mumbo and Pearl” I said waving goodbye

“Hi Grian and…” Pearl replied

“Scar, nice to meet you” Scar said offering his hand.

Scar's gaze shifted to Mumbo immediately after he clasped Pearl's hand. He smiled sheepishly and began scratching the back of his head.

“And you are Mumbo, Grian's victim”

"Yes I am. I must say it's the first time a person knows me for this reason, but I knew it would happen one day” Mumbo said

Pearl giggled at the comment. Honestly, I think I would have done the same if I were her, but I decided to just smile.

“So, what do you want? Brioche with chocolate chips? Croissants? Cakes? Chocolate cookies?"

Scar's eyes lit up at the words "chocolate cookies." I decided to get a croissant while the choice of my new friend was obvious.

“I'll have a chocolate croissant and since Scar is drooling through those biscuits I bet he wants some” I said

Scar looked at me with a look that said 'you're absolutely right, but there was no need to say that'. I smiled again and he smiled back.

“Understood. What do you want Mumbo?” Pearl asked while writing on her paper thingy, that thingy that I don't remember the name

“Nothing, I've already eaten” Mumbo replied

“Ok, I'll bring you a cappuccino”

Isn't it summer? A HOT CAPPUCCINO DURING SUMMER? Yeah Mumbo is weird but we love him anyway

“But- ok” Mumbo gave up

Pearl went to the back of the desk while I, Scar and Mumbo stood there like three idiots. None of us said a word. We exchanged looks of confusion here and there, but no one dared say a word. You don't know how much I hated that awkward silence which, fortunately, was interrupted by the ringtone of my phone. I took it from my pocket and answered the phone.

"Yes mom?" I asked

“No nothing, I was wondering where you were”

“At the bar with Mumbo and Scar”

"Ah OK. How's it going?"

“Everything is fine, don't worry”

I don't think you care how the discussion went. While I was on the phone the food arrived and it smelled inviting. I saw Scar's face light up like when you tell a child you have a present for him, while Mumbo began to drink his cappuccino. Finally my mother decided to let me be.

"Why do not you eat?" I asked Scar

“I was waiting for you” He said

“Oh no, now I look rude” Mumbo said with his cappuccino in hand

“You are,” Pearl said

Mumbo and Pearl began to argue about the question, was Mumbo rude? They both used their best weapons, but we all knew Mumbo didn't stand a chance. It made me smile to see them joking happily.

“Scar, help me!” Mumbo said for help

Scar stood there, still, motionless.

“But I waited for Grian…” Scar said

"See! Scar is a good guy, you are not" Pearl continued

They continued like this for a while until Mumbo accepted defeat. I had so much fun that I almost forgot to eat the croissant, while Scar had already eaten almost all of those biscuits. There were 1 left. He looked at it with indecision until...

“Grian, do you want to try it?”

“No thanks, I've already tried them”

I declined the offer but it made me very happy that it was offered to me, also because I didn't expect that he would offer me the biscuits that he loved so much.

And amidst the chatter and jokes, more time than necessary passed. When my mother and Scar's father called worriedly asking if we were dead we knew that maybe it was time to go. We said goodbye to Mumbo and Pearl and headed towards our house.
On the street home there was silence, but not that embarrassing silence: that kind of silence that relaxes you, that makes you feel good... that kind of silence. I was happy that Scar felt at ease with me and my friends, he had probably abandoned some friends in the old city and for this reason I set myself the goal of making him feel good in this city that I already loved.


Author's note:

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