Dinner at the Smith house

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Author's note:
Remember when I said I was gonna publish in a week? Yes?

That didn't age well-



Scar's POV
The day had come.

The day I dreaded for so long.

Dinner at the Smith house.

The dinner was at 8, so my paranoid ass started getting ready at 6. After I showered and did my hair look decent I looked in the mirror.

I sucked.

As always, my gaze fell on those few scars visible only because they were on my face. The one on the forehead, just above the right eye, was hidden by the hair; the one that passed through the nose was, for some reason, the most visible even though it was the shallowest, perhaps because it was in the center; while the one found between the cheek and the jaw was particular because instead of being a cut it was a tear of skin. I hate my looks so much-

"SCAR! ARE YOU DONE WITH THE BATH? WE WILL BE LATE IF YOU DON'T HURRY" My father said from behind the door

It was obvious he needed to go to the bathroom.

"Yes yes, wait a minute" I said in a hurry

At that moment I saw the door open and, obviously, my father had entered without knocking (not anything weird, between my sister, my mum and I is normal to do it). I looked at his face and you could see a mile away what I was looking at. I instinctively looked down.

"Scar, we already talked bout this" My father said lifting my chin

"I know but-"

"No buts, now stop worrying. Didn't you say that Mr. Smith took a liking to those scars?"

I sighed knowing I could never win this argument and went to get ready. Are you really interested in what I chose to wear? Well, you'll know shortly.

Grian's POV

The day had arrived for dinner at the Smith home.

I wasn't happy with the dinner itself, but with having something quite calm to do. Obviously these two weeks have been very busy, but busy in a 'chaotic' way: I've spent them fixing up the house, looking after Ashley, going out with some friends... and none of these things are 'calming', usually I don't need all this calm being an extremely chaotic subject, but today had been... Pearl blew up a coke bottle in the kitchen and I got yelled at for it, then Mumbo stole my phone and hid who knows where, and don't even get me started on that what did Joel and Timmy did...

Usually it's me the one who plays pranks, but today they seem to have taken revenge for all the pranks I've done, but they don't even have the slightest idea of ​​what my revenge will be...

However, today we are not here to take revenge, but to have dinner together with the whole neighborhood. If all went well I would have had a quiet evening and maybe I could have started some interesting conversation. I didn't have high hopes with just any neighbor, but since Scar was my age it was worth a shot, right?

Now we had arrived at the complicated part: how to dress.

I looked in my closet and wasn't surprised to see all kinds of clothes, but I settled on a simple choice, I certainly couldn't wear the duck suit I owned for some strange reason. I grabbed a red, short-sleeved blouse with some blue jeans, a belt so no one could see my underwear, and I was good to go.
Well- maybe the hair needed a fix-

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