New Friend (?)

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Author's note:
Hi :)
I should technically post this tomorrow, but I want to be nice. Also this is longer than expected.


Scar's POV
The journey had been a long one. Jellie had fallen asleep on my lap and I had accepted that the nausea wouldn't let me sleep. As soon as the car started to stop I knew it was finally time. I grabbed Jellie trying not to wake her up but failing miserably and got out of the car. I was surprised to see another car and the figure of a avarian across the street. We waved at eachother and he went into his house.

“They just moved here too” My father said from behind making me jump.

Now Jellie was definitely awake

“Calm down” Dad laughed

Mom had mentioned that the house across from ours was also being renovated and would probably be inhabited shortly, but what were the odds of us moving in at the same time? Sounded like the beginning of some weird fanfiction-

After taking some of our things we went into the new house: it was empty and dusty. It was my first move so I didn't know what to do and decided I would worry about it tomorrow. That evening I fell asleep quickly as I was extremely tired.
The next day I woke up early, had a quick breakfast and decided to sort things out since the house was empty. I was about to carry some boxes to my room when my mum had the 'wonderful' idea to visit our neighbours. As soon as she told me I knew that anything I said would not change the situation.

The house looked welcoming from the outside, white walls and a dark teal roof, no plants outside and the grass in the garden was very tall. A woman greeted us with a warm smile, she had white wings, light brown hair and blue eyes. Mum, Dad and Mrs Batchelor got talking at the entrance. I've always been a pretty quiet guy and that led me to observe a lot and growing up I found out that most things about a person can be discovered by observing how they move or how their room is decorated, so I spent my time observing what it could be seen from the entrance: an empty but welcoming looking house, some stairs and some dust on the floor. I came to the conclusion that they too had a lot of work to do.

"Oh, come in, no problem!" Mrs Batchelor invited us

I walked into what appeared to be the kitchen area and saw 3 figures: an adult, a teenager and a little girl. I recognized the boy immediately: blond hair, curly and unkempt, a red sweater and a tired face. I wonder where the little girl got those yellow wings from, the color of the wings can only be inherited from the parents and for this both the adult and the boy had parrot-colored wings.

"Our house is still a disaster, yesterday we saw your car park" The lady continued

They began to talk about the usual things, chats made only for education in which they talked about the normal boring stuff, yes I hate them. I got distracted by feeling something touch my legs, I looked down to find 2 cats welcoming me. The blond boy chuckled at my confusion.

“I see Pearl and Maui love you,” He said with a smile

“If Jellie doesn’t found out, it should be fine,” I joked

The avarian got up and at that moment it became obvious that he was shorter than me, he came over and took my hand. He dragged me upstairs grinning as I drifted along.
We entered a room that I assumed was his. He sat up in bed as I watched in confusion

“Why did you bring me here?” I asked confused
“You looked bored out of your mind and so was I so…”

I realized what he said was true. I didn't answer, but instead looked around. I'm very good at reading people and from what I had understood so far Grian was sunny, cheerful and bored, but I couldn't understand anything else. Some might think that I didn’t like it, but in reality I was pleased to know that I could get to know a person over time, usually it's enough for me to look at a person from a distance without talking to them for 30/60 minutes, if they talk to someone much less. But it scared me not to know when and if he was lying.

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