9: Meeting the dad

181 11 43

Author's note:
So I decided to put numbers on chapters.



I have like- 5 chapters ready, but today you get one!

It's a little bit short, but better a shorter one than a 2000 words one, right?



I hope-


Grian's POV
Although I seem like a calm and cool guy, I too have doubts and insecurities. One of them was how to invite Scar. I had taken inspiration from the simplicity of my sister who, being a 6 year old kid, had no problem knocking on her neighbors' door for anything she needed. So I decided to begin my mission.

Obviously the mission had phases:

Phase 1: clothing
And yes, I needed some decent clothes, not elegant ones, so I opted for something casual. I wore a green short sleeve t-shirt with black jeans, I would have preferred something red as it was my favorite color but after looking at my wardrobe I came to the conclusion that all my decent red clothes were in the wash. Obviously the duck suit was never an option, even though I know you all want me to wear it.

Phase 2: The hair
In case you hadn't guessed, I have short, wavy/curly hair, so it's started to take on a life of its own. After trying various methods (water and brush) I decided that I had achieved a decent result. I asked my sister  how I looked and she told me that I was ugly because my wings were unkempt, but that she loved me anyway. Children are so kind!

Phase 3: Wings
As my sister had said, my wings were very messy. I didn't want to look like I had brushed my wings perfectly just for him, knowing him he would notice, because I know he's a good observer, I just need to figure out why I know. I took a brush and began brushing my feathers. I had a strange relationship with my wings: if I touched them everything was fine, if someone else touched them it depends on the point; at the "roots", near my back, it relaxed me a lot; while near the center and on the tips gave me butterflies in my stomach, but somehow I liked it. It's not a common thing among avians, but everyone has some point that they would only allow their partner to touch and for me that point is the wings.

Phase 4: Go to Scar
After my wings were tidy but not too tidy, I grabbed my phone along with my courage and went to Scar. But I think you already know how it went.

“H-hello” He said

“Hi, wanna go for a walk?” I asked

“Oh- YES- Wait just a second that I wear something decent” He said excited to go out with me

I was happy that he accepted. We stood in silence at the door waiting for the other to do something. I thought he was going to invite me in, but his mind seemed blank, as if he was processing something gigantic.

After a while he recovered from the shock.

“Oh- I'm so sorry, wanna come in?” Scar asked imbarressed

“Sure, thank you very much for the invitation”

'I wonder if he ever had friends? It doesn't seem like it' I thought, but that thought was sent away when I saw his father reading something with a smile that I couldn't read. Come to think of it, it would have been a great time to see if I was good at reading Scar or if I could do it with everyone.

“Oh, hi Grian, sit here while you wait for Scar” He said pointing to the sofa next to the armchair he was sitting in

I thanked him and sat down on the soft cushions. I noticed that Scar's sofa was much better than the sofa in my house, do you think I can steal it from him? I don't think so, but it would be a great idea. The door is also very nice, that should be easier to steal (I don't even know why I wrote this, but I did it anyway)

I sat in silence, trying to figure out what to say. Luckily he was the one who started the conversation.

“So… what does this city look like to you? I know you know it well because you have grandparents here so you come here for the holidays"

“It's a beautiful city, full of things to do and places to visit, I'm sure you'll feel comfortable here” I said kindly putting on a polite smile

“And tell me, what are you going to show Scar?” He asked without taking his eyes off the book

“We'll probably take a tour of the neighborhood,” I said

Silence filled the room again. Until Mr. GoodTime closed the book and placed it on the table next to him. He leaned over to me as if he wanted to tell me something important. He took a sigh and began to speak.

“Tell me, are you going to introduce him to your group of friends?” He said in a serious tone

“Probably yes, why this question?” I asked

It took Mr. GoodTime a while to respond.

“You know, I don't know what it's like to move house as a teenager and I wouldn't want my son to be left out just because he moved from another city, but since he already knows you I won't have to worry too much” He said with a smile

His reasoning made sense: it's normal to worry about your children, especially if they aren't very sociable.

At that moment I realized that I didn't understand much about Mr. GoodTime, I'll have to ask Scar if something like this is normal.

“I'm ready” Scar said

His arrival marked the end of a conversation and the beginning of a friendship.

Scar showed up wearing a light green long-sleeved sweatshirt and gray jeans, decent hair and a face that radiated joy everywhere.

"Let's go?" I asked, looking up

Scar replied nodding. We said our goodbyes to Mr. GoodTime and headed out the door. We found ourselves on the sidewalk in front of Scar's house.

And now?


Author's note:
Will Grian and Scar hook up?

Spoiler: no.

But hey! They are starting to get along!

Maybe I'll double-uploude today, but first someone has to read this so I don't know

Anyway, give me motivation to translate the chapters. I need it

Welp- time to go


I did something like this way to many times.

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