
272 11 18

Author's note:
Remember, this chapter DOES NOT talk about Mumbo.

Also I'm not tha proud of it, maybe it needs more Mumbo


Scar's POV
The Batchelor family said goodbye and we decided to go home.

"What do you think about it?" my father asked
“The little girl, Ashley, is very sunny. She probably doesn't have a good relationship with his father, but I don't think he is her father looking at the color of the wings. Parents seem to have a 'fresh' love, usually adults couples tend to have a different way of loving each other while it is different for them, I think it is because they have recently gotten back together. Speaking of the parents, Mrs Batchelor was very happy that we had come, while Mr Batchelor would have preferred to have guests with a tidier house” I said as a statement but knowing of the big possibily of being wrong

Dad turned to me with a look that said “really?”. I guess he had to expect that I would be analyzing the whole family in no time. I shrugged and smiled at me.

“I should have expected that asking wouldn't be a good idea. Do you know how scary you look sometimes?”

My father chuckled and I joined him.

“And what about the boy, Grain?” my father asked
“First of all, his name is Grian. And second, I didn't discover much” I replied
"Strange, he's the person you've spent the most time with"

My mother waved us into the house since my father and I were left behind. We arrived home and I was once again immersed in the mess that surrounded us. I concentrated on the furniture in my room which, as complicated as they were, after a long time reading the instruction manual and almost breaking a few pieces, I managed to get decent results. Dad was speedrunning them while mom was struggling at even understand what to do and that's why I went to help her. I preferred being with dad, but I think being with mom can't hurt.

*Ding Dong*

"I'm going!" I said getting up from the ground where I was sitting

I walked towards the door. I was pretty sure they were neighbors who came to welcome us. I opened the door and I was faced with the figure of a boy my own age, with a glorious moustache, a shirt with buttons close to the collar unbuttoned, black hair, dark brown eyes and a lost look.

“Sorry, I think I went to the wrong house. This is the fifth house I control, could you help me?”

I didn't expect such an answer, how could he be so sure he was in the wrong house?

"I don't think so, I'm new in this city and I don't know it yet" I replied

The boy didn't seem happy, in fact he seemed desperate. If it really was the fifth house he controlled I couldn't blame him.
My attention shifted to its backdrop: Grian's house. It wasn't strange that Grian's house was there (it would have been stranger if it wasn't), it was strange that Grian was chuckling from the window. He saw that I was watching him and signaled me to be silent.

“Do you happen to know where a certain avian lives?”
“There are a lot of avians in this area,” I replied
“Uh… An avian shorter than you and me, blond hair tending to brown, blue eyes… He always wears a red sweater”
“Your description seems quite vague to me”

I don't consider myself a very intuitive guy, but I connected the dots and it was obvious he was talking about Grian, and that explained why he why he was chuckling from the window.

"How can I make you understand..." The mustachioed stranger continued

I looked again at the ground floor window of the Batchelor house, Grian was no longer there.

"Well, then thanks anyway, I think I'll look elsewhere…" He said still with a smile in his face

I put on a fake smile as my mind wandered through the strangest thoughts. I was pretty sure that the boy was one of Grian's friends and that he wanted to join him, but that Grian hadn't given him precise directions. Involuntarily I began to read it: his body language said he wasn't shy, he wouldn't show up with a smile at the fifth house he knocked on; doesn't seem from this area, maybe a few blocks further but not too far since it didn't seem to be the first time on this street; economically speaking, he seemed to come from an average, perhaps even upper-middle family, and you could tell it by his clothes. I didn’t understand anything else since I met him five minutes ago.

"Well, then I’ll continue to search" He said and immediately after he whispered something similar to 'as soon as I see Grian I'll kill him'

“Then good luck, I hope you find what you are looking for” I replied

My lying skills were comparable to a 5 year old, but if someone didn't know me they couldn't tell.

"Anyway, my name is Mumbo" He said offering me his hand

A flow of emotion passed through my body. I had just lied to a stranger, probably a nice person. Shyness, guilt and a little bit of surprise was a mix of emotions I hadn't felt in a long time and that I would rather not have felt. The negative thoughts were kicked out by the hope that I would make a friend, and that was also kicked out by the knowledge that he just wanted to be polite.

"I'm Scar, nice to meet you" I said shaking his hand
“Well, I'd stay and talk but I have to go look for someone's house so… see you around? What school do you go to?”

Did he just ask me a question? Since when had this become a conversation?

“I go to *BEEEEEEEP* School” I replied
“We go to the same! See you around then!" He said quite happily about the new

And so we said goodbye and he continued on his way. I looked out the window and after 10 minutes he had managed to find the right house. Apparently Grian and Mumbo were close friends. Ordinarily I wouldn't have paid much attention to an event like this, but it had helped me understand one thing about Grian: it wouldn't take him long to prank you.


Author's note
I'm an idiot, and you can't tell me the opposite. I decided to do extra scene, but because the character just met each other I have no idea of what to put here.... so you can see me and aNamelessBread (check out her story, is amazing) having a perfectly normal conversation

Me: I was wondering somethings really stupid
Some peace of bread: :^ ?
Me: 'LMAO' means 'laughing my ass off'
How do you laugh an ass off?
The same peace of Bread: Honestly idk-

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