Feels like home

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Author's note:
Fuck my week updates, I'm not able to maintain it. So now I think I'm gonna publish whenever I can-


Third's POV:
They left home as fast as the wind ready for new adventures.

They stopped in front of the door.

They looked at each other.

“So where is the bakery?” Grian asked

“Follow me” Mumbo said turning towards the school.

Mumbo and Grian started up the road which led to the school, and for this reason it came into view. Grian was almost amazed by the large building, with plain walls scattered with windows, with a large entrance and with a still to Grian unfamiliar interior. They arrived in front of the school and turned right. Grian did his best to memorize the road he was crossing with Mumbo; even though he knew the city well, he had never explored the area near the school very well. After a not too long walk, decorated with chats and laughter, they finally arrived at their destination. The bakery had a wooden structure, a sign saying 'The Bakery of Goodness' and a welcoming area. As soon as they entered they were greeted by sweet smells and at the same time that made you feel at home: freshly baked bread, chocolate of some still warm dessert, the flour that still had to be processed… Everything was perfect. Grian knew he would come here often. A girl at the counter was serving customers and Mumbo and Grian lined up silently.

"Look how beautiful this place is," Grian said

Mumbo's attention also went to the decorations of the place. With a few plants here and there and lights coming down from the ceiling. That place was really beautiful.

“If I were to take anyone on a date I would definitely bring them here” Mumbo replied

"That's the weirdest comment you ever made," Grian said with a smile on his face

"But it's true" Mumbo continued

The gentleman in front of them finished paying and it was Mumbo and Grian's turn.

“How can I help you?” said a young girl who sounded strangely familiar

“PEARL?” Grian almost screamed

Pearl laughed.

“Yes Grian, it's me. Glad to hear you finally moved in” Pearl said

The same Pearl with bluish blue eyes and brown hair.
The same Pearl with raven wings.
The same Pearl who was one of Grian's childhood friends.

“You told me you worked in a bakery, but I didn't think it was that good”

"I even told you his name!" Pearl continued

"Well.. ok maybe it's my fault" Grian admitted scratching his head

Pearl smirked and, looking at both Mumbo and Grian, kept talking

“So what do you want?” She asked

“Chocolate chip buns,” Grian said

“I didn't expect anything else”

There were no other customers behind them and that gave them a chance to start talking for a while, the usual questions like 'How are you?' and stuff like that. The conversation lasted long enough to get to the strangest topics anyone can imagine.

The situation made Grian feel at home.

Talking with friends, going around in the city of his grandparents… Everything screamed the word 'home'. Many are sad to move cities, especially school, but now Grian had the opportunity to be with all his friends. Of course he would miss those few he had in the old school, but he knew he wouldn't be bored here.

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