Chapter 1 All Objects on Deck

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Party Hat and Boombox sat down on the grass on a bright sunny day. It seemed to be quite pleasant and enjoyable. The winds and the rains were not in sight. It couldn't even be felt.

Slurpy, Boat, Chocolatey, and Popsicley were all playing video games on a TV set not far from where Party Hat and Boombox were. Shieldy and Shelly were discussing the effects of the game and how it affected poor Shelly in the final episode. Pear and Scissors were off shopping at a mall. Baguette and Pinecone were making up with each other and truly getting to know one another. Whereas Hot Dog and Pizza were sitting down on top of a knitted car that Hot Dog recently created.

Big Orange Chicken clucked loudly as he walked around with his newly hatched chicks in tow. He was happy to be a father.

It seemed to be another uneventful day for the objects. Nothing really exciting happened around the place ever since Brawl of the Objects finished.

But, this would be the day where everything would change.


Controlly was popular after presenting the frozen Rook to the world. He took the credit for finding Rook's frozen body by recreating Brawl of the Objects and following in the footsteps of Rook and his opponent way back when in the medieval times.

Controlly obviously did not want anything to happen to Rook's frozen body, so he kept it perfectly preserved in the freezer.

Rook was dead, so to keep him preserved forever required his body to be frozen at all times.

Or was he dead...?

That was the question that would change everything.


Party Hat walked along with Boombox in tow. They both decided to go for a walk. It felt good to just stretch their legs and move around a bit. It gave them something to do as well.

"Hey, Boombox, could you play that song we were listening to yesterday? It is a bit too quiet.", he asked. Boombox made random beeps as he activated his music track. The song began to play. Party Hat smiled.

"Ahh, thank you, Boombox. You are such a good friend. I will be sure to invite you to my birthday party next week. It will be fun to have you and everyone else there.", he said as he began to get excited about his upcoming party.

Boombox smiled. While Boombox was not much for words, he made up for it for having a big heart. The truth is, Boombox was quite shy. And he was socially awkward. But, if there was one friend he treasured and could be himself around, it was Party Hat.

Suddenly, without warning, Shelly came by running around. It took Party Hat and Boombox by surprise. Shelly looked like she had been running for a while. Her face was red, she was sweating, and she looked like she wasn't getting enough air to breathe.

Then, out of nowhere, Shelly tripped on a fallen log. She landed face first on the ground, scrapping her leg. "Ow!", she exclaimed as she struggled to get up.

(Not having arms made that a bit challenging.)

Party Hat and Boombox made their way over to where Shelly was. "Are you OK, Shelly?", asked Party Hat. Shelly nodded. "I...*pant* *pant* *pant*... am fine. Ah, ow! Ahh, I...*pant* *pant*... think my leg is scraped up.", she said. And she was right. "Oh, that doesn't look good, Shelly. How about we help you back to our house? We could bandage up your leg again and get you fixed up?", he suggested. Shelly agreed.

"OK, let's go.", she replied.

Boombox carried her on his head as the trio made their way to the house. The house was not far from where they were, making for a rather short trip.

Party Hat and Boombox placed Shelly on a chair as they went to go get bandages from a cabinet. Shelly managed to catch her breath and recover from her long run. Boombox returned.

"Why were you running in the first place?", he asked in his usual deep voice.

Shelly sighed. She knew she was caught and had to answer. "I got bullied again by Popsicley for me, not truly considering her as a friend back when we were a girl group. I ran as fast as I could to get away so she wouldn't hurt me.", she said sadly.

Both Party Hat and Boombox felt sympathy for Shelly as Party Hat returned with the bandages in his foot. "I am sorry, Shelly. I didn't know that Popsicley was still bullying you for that.", said Party Hat.

Shelly felt tears forming in her eyes. But, she blinked them back away so she wouldn't cry in front of Boombox and Party Hat. She didn't feel comfortable crying in front of anyone. So, she cried to herself whenever she was alone.

Party Hat wrapped the bandages around her leg. Soon, it was all better, and Shelly was standing up again. "Thank you, guys, for helping me.", she said in gratitude.

And with that, she left.

Boombox sighed. "I hope things get better for that little shell. She hasn't been treated well since she lost Brawl of the Objects.", he said. Party Hat nodded. "I blame myself because I didn't allow her into Shieldy's and my alliance. Now, look what has happened.", Party Hat lamented. "I just hope things get better.", he said.

Boombox nodded.

Little did anyone know that Shelly was going to get the big break she needed.

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