Chapter 5 Next Day

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Rook woke up the next day attached to several machines. He was very frightened. Since he was alive during medieval times, machines were not around or barely around.

Baguette woke up and saw Rook shaking and shivering. He approached Rook and waved at him to stop.

"Hey, hey. It is OK. Don't be afraid.", said Baguette.

Rook was attached to an oxygen/pulse reader on his finger, an IV unit in his arm, a blood pressure cuff on his other arm, and several wires attached to his chest, monitoring his breathing and heart beating.

Rook shivered and sneezed. He felt so weak and very cold.

Chocolatey approached, having woken up from her slumber. "Is he alright, Baguette?", she asked. Baguette shook his head. "He seems badly frozen.", Baguette replied.

Soon, Shieldy, Shelly, Party Hat, Boombox, Pizza, Hot Dog, Pear, Popsicley, Slurpy, Big Orange Chicken, and Boat, all arrived in the room and saw the sorry state Rook was in.

Shieldy approached Rook. "Are you alright?", he asked.

Rook listened intently. He could make out what Shieldy was saying. Unlike how it was last night when he couldn't even make out anything. His eyesight was still a bit blurry, but it was better as well.

Rook sniffled as he groaned. "I am alright. Thank you for saving me. The punishment I endured was overbearing. *sniffle* *sniffle* Pardon my sniffling. I fear I am very ill.", he said. Shieldy smiled. Then, Party Hat spoke up.

"Here, you need a handkerchief.", he said as he held up a square cloth. Shieldy grabbed it and held it to Rook.

"Pray tell, what purpose does this serve?", asked Rook. Boat was surprised. "You never seen a handkerchief before?", she asked. Rook shook his head. "No, what purpose do they serve to do?", he asked again.

"You blow your nose into it.", said Scissors, unamused. "Dear me, we would only blow our noses into water basins.", he replied. But, he held the handkerchief and looked to Shieldy for help. Shieldy gestured to him to put it against his nose and take a deep breath. Then, he gestured to him to blow hard.

Rook did so. He blew his nose loudly. Everyone was stunned silent. Rook looked embarrassed. "Oh, pardon me, that was very ungraceful of me. My apologies.", he apologized to everyone. Shieldy shook his head. "It's alright. None of us should be judging you.", he said as he turned and glared at Pear, Scissors, and Popsicley.

The three girls were indigent.

"Are you feeling better?", asked Shelly as she piped up. "Yes, young shell. I am recovering well from this ailment.", he replied as he smiled.

Shelly nodded and smiled. Everyone then left, they said their good byes to Shieldy, leaving only Boombox, Pizza, Hot Dog, Shelly, Party Hat, Shieldy, and Slurpy. Big Orange Chicken made his way into the backyard. (He lived with Shieldy outside in the backyard, he would only come inside to sleep with his chicks.)

Rook shifted and groaned. "My most humblest apologies but, I have to go. If you know what I mean, where is your privy chamber?", he asked.

Shieldy was confused. Then, Pizza piped up. "A privy chamber was a bathroom in the medieval times.", he remarked. Rook was confused. "Uh..., what year is it now?", he asked. "It is the 21st century.", Hot Dog replied.

Rook's eyes went as wide as dinner plates. "Gadzooks! I lived during the 14th century! Oh, me, oh, my!", he exclaimed.

Shieldy cut him off. "My bathroom is down the hall where the bathtub is. You may go now.", he said. Rook nodded in gratitude. "Thank you, young shield.", said Rook as he got up and limped out of the room towards the bathroom.

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