Chapter 4 Free

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Author's Note: This Chapter is inspired by an unfinished fanfiction I read by an author.  I don't own that story nor do I wish to take any credit for that story. Everything about the aforementioned story belongs solely to that author. I just used it as inspiration for this chapter. Now, enjoy the chapter!

Rook continued to walk along the hall of the castle. If he was doomed to be in the blank void for eternity, then he might as well get comfy and make the most of the situation by enjoying the castle and looking for anything new and exciting.

"Well, I am never going to be free. I will never get out.", he lamented as he continued to walk.

Little did he know how wrong he was.


As Rook continued to walk, he heard a loud thud! A huge thud that shook the entire castle!

"Dear me! Whatever was that?!", he asked in shock.

But, the oddities didn't stop there.

Rook looked around and saw the castle starting to fade around him and a dark void began to overlap with the white void outside of the castle. Rook then began to find it harder and harder to breathe.

Rook suddenly got scared. He didn't know what was happening.

"Oh, woe me! Please, I beg to anyone who can hear my pleas! What is happening?! Oh, is my time here!? Am I to go!? I am far too young to die! Oh, please, spare me! Don't let me die! I can't... take... *gasp*... it! *gasp* *exhale*"

Rook struggled to get fresh air. He felt like he was suffocating under a deep, dark spell placed upon him as everything around him faded into nothingness.

Then, suddenly, a gush of water sloshed around his legs. Rook gasped as he felt and heard the rushing of the water but couldn't see anything in the dark void.

Then, he a felt a nasty, electric shock! A shock so horrid, he felt like he was being subjected to torture like the criminals who were tortured for answers back in his days.




Rook sprung up from a small pool of freezing cold water sloshing around him as he woke up.

Rook saw that his front was completely dried off for the weird machine to shock him back to life. (A defibrillator to be exact.)

Rook then coughed up lots of water from his lungs to his mouth. Water upon water was hacked up and spat out as he coughed violently.

Finally, Rook stopped as the water was completely cleared out from his body. Rook laid back down as he had little to no strength to do anything.

Rook's eyesight was blurry. He couldn't make out anything clear. He only saw blurry shapes of color surrounding him. Rook looked and found himself in a bathtub.

Or what the objects from back then called a basin.

Rook couldn't make out what anyone around him were saying. He only heard muffled mumblings.

Shieldy was the first to approach him. "I am not sure if you can understand anything that is going on, but please know, we are not going to hurt you. We are just here to help.", he said gently to Rook.

Shieldy knew that Rook was lost, scared, very confused as to what was happening around him. But, Shieldy knew he had to make himself to be shown in a trustworthy manner to make Rook feel at ease and that he had nothing to worry about after being unfrozen.

All of the objects began to walk away to do several tasks to help Shieldy and Shelly with their deed to help Rook unfreeze and recover.

Shelly grabbed a towel and wrapped it around Rook. Shieldy held Rook up and kept him steady as Shelly did so.

Then, both Shieldy and Shelly made their ways to each side of Rook and helped him up onto his feet.

Unfortunately, Rook was so weak and beaten that he couldn't even stand or even move without help. So, Shieldy and Shelly carried him on their backs and moved him to Shieldy's bed in his room.

Rook was tucked in under the sheets. Rook shivered. Then, he let out a loud sneeze.

Everyone then sprung into action. Party Hat gave him some hot chocolate to drink. Boombox played some soft lullaby-like music. Slurpy and Boat covered Rook up with several blankets. Pear and Popsicley placed mittens, scarves, and a beanie on Rook. Hot Dog and Pizza went down to grab a thermometer and medicine. Chocolatey and Baguette monitored Rook's breathing. Scissors simply watched the event unfold around her. She felt conflicted to see someone she hated so much be in a such a sad, sorry state.


After everything died down and everyone was packed into Shieldy's room, Hot Dog approached Rook and placed a thermometer under Rook's tongue while Pizza and Shelly fumbled over the medicine bottles, wondering which ones to open.

Rook was scared and confused as to what was happening around him. He was even more scared when he saw a blurry red, stick-like tube being inserted into his mouth and under his tongue.

Hot Dog smiled warmly. He seemed to feel the fear the poor chess piece felt at the moment. He was gentle and kind. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you. This doesn't harm you.", he reassured.

Rook couldn't make out what Hot Dog had said but he felt like he could trust him and that he was an ally and not an enemy out to hurt him.

Hot Dog pulled out the thermometer after it was done measuring the temperature.

It was a horrible reading.

"Guys, his temperature is 82 degrees Fahrenheit! He is suffering from hypothermia!", he said in alarm. Pizza was shocked. "We are trying, Hot Dog, hold on, buddy!", he said.

Shelly managed to get the medicine bottle open and a few capsules were placed into Pizza's hand.

"Have him take this, Hot Dog and be sure to give him his hot chocolate so he can swallow.", he said dryly.

Hot Dog did so. Rook opened his mouth and with the use of the steaming beverage, he swallowed the medicine whole, with Hot Dog gesturing what he had to do as he did so.

Shieldy approached Rook. Rook sneezed loudly. This caused everyone to become concerned.

"Will he be alright? I mean, I hate him, but I don't want him to be like this.", said Scissors as she looked down at Rook with mixed emotions.

"He seems like he will be OK. As long as Baguette is here. Baguette has knowledge the medical field. Baguette should be able to look after him.", Party Hat explained. Baguette nodded. "He shall be in good hands.", Boat exclaimed.

Afterwards, everyone made their way into the living room slept on the couch, chairs, and the floor in sleeping bags. It was late at night and everyone was too tired to go back to their houses to sleep so they all agreed to sleepover at Shieldy's house for the night. Plus, everyone thought it would be good to stay with Rook throughout the night in case something bad were to happen during the night.

But, little did everyone know that the adventures with Rook were far from over.

Brawl of the Objects: The Return of Rook (A Brawl of the Objects fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now