Chapter 15 Objects Gone Rogue: The Truth

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Controlly was right on Shieldy's and Shelly's tails. He wasn't going to give up! He was going to make Shelly and Shieldy pay for stealing his most prized discovery.

"Get back here! I will make you two sorry! I will make both of you sorry!", he screamed as he picked up the discarded brick and tried throwing it at the two objects. Shieldy managed to dodge it. But, Controlly wasn't giving up that easily. He ran and jumped up and knocked Shieldy to the ground!

Shelly was knocked free from Shieldy and fell onto the floor. She was stunned. Controlly held Shieldy down and was ready to knock him down for good.



Rook gave Controlly a huge punch, knocking him out cold!

"Leave my friends alone, you big bully!". He turned towards Shelly and Shieldy and grabbed both of them. "Retreat!", he shouted as he carried his friends away from the unconscious game controller.

Meanwhile, the other objects were rushing towards the exit. It seemed like they were going to finally escape! But, suddenly...

...a huge horder of security guards and police officers surrounded them. Led by the regained conscious Hourglass!

"Finish them all!", she commanded. The charge had commenced. But the former contestants were not going to give up that easily.

"Fight, fight, fight!", shouted Pear with a huge death glare. Scissors led the charge with a rallying cry. "Let's go!", she shouted.

The fight had begun!

Hot Dog grabbed his knitted yarn and used it a trip wire. Tripping the officers. He also used it as a lasso. Lassoing the guards and knocking them out. Slurpy jumped up and down to avoid attacks. Popsicley repeatedly punched officers and guards left and right. Pear and Scissors acted as a fighting duo and coordinated their attacks together against the horde. Boat used her kicking skills against the guards. Baguette flung Brie cheese against the officers, smacking them down. Boombox blasted loud music from his speakers, dispersing the horde. Pizza and Party Hat ran in different directions to create diversions. Chocolatey ate several candy pieces and with a sugar rush, wiped out several officers in one go just by running into them like a battering ram.

"What?! How can this be?! How could several loser objects kick our butts?!", yelled Hourglass in frustration.

From up above, Rook managed to carry his friends up a long flight of stairs and onto the floor above the fight. Shieldy and Shelly were put back down. The trio saw the fight from a balcony.

"Oh, this is awful. What do we do?", asked Shelly. "Don't worry, we will stop the fighting.", replied Rook. Shieldy looked over and saw a cannon pointed straight at the ground below. He had an idea.

"I have an idea. But, we have to get our friends out of the way.", said Shieldy. Rook knew where this was going.

Meanwhile, the fight was raging on. Boat and Baguette couldn't take it anymore. "We need help!", she said as she couldn't keep kicking. Her feet were very sore. Baguette was also running out of cheesy ammo. "I know, but there is nothing we can do.", he replied.

Then, suddenly, everyone heard a noise from up above. It was Rook!

"Stop the fighting! It is me you all want! So, come and get me!", he baited to the security guards and officers.

They immediately ran towards Rook. Hourglass was trying to make her way up the ladder like stairs to reach Rook. That chess piece was hers!

Shieldy led the former contestants away by baiting them with Shelly's help. Using their attention spans to make them gather around to see Shelly all chained up and helpless. (Party Hat secretly felt really guilty as he also mistreated Shelly before.)

Then, as Rook baited the others away, he landed on top of the cannon.

Hourglass realized too late that it was a trap.

"Stop! It is a trap! Wait...!"

Rook lit the cannon, and it fired!



A huge explosion sounded off, and the entire side of the building was blown off in a powerful blast. All of the objects and Hourglass were blasted away and into a smokey, smoldering pile outside.

The fight was over!

All of the former contestants made their way outside of the building through the huge smoldering hole caused by the blast. It was eerily quiet as everyone stepped out into the smokey yet sunny day outside. It was a huge contrast as to what it was like just moments before.

Shieldy and Shelly jumped down and were caught by Boombox. Rook ran down a pile of debris and made his way towards the others.

It was freedom at last.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!", screamed Shelly as she was roughly snatched from Shieldy. Everyone turned around in shock and horror and saw a badly battered Controlly. Holding a helpless Shelly above his head. Everyone was forced to stand back.

"*pant* *pant* *pant* Whose idea was this?! Huh?! Now, I want what's mine! I want my chess piece! Now, give it to me, NOW!", he shouted.

Rook appeared in front of everyone. He was scared but held his ground. "Let her go! Take me! I'm the one you want!", he said defiantly. Controlly sneered.

"You would seriously give yourself up just to save a little shell you barely know? Not to mention, a shell who isn't on best terms with anyone? Need I remind you and everyone else that you guys turned your backs on her in the last challenge of the game?! Shieldy! You even attacked her with a battle monster during the last race! Party Hat! You and Shieldy refused to let her into your alliance. Pizza! You refused to listen to her during the Trivia challenge. And Popsicley, you tried to turn everyone away from her, calling her a traitor due to Shelly being uncomfortable due to YOUR actions!", he explained.

Everyone was forced to agree with Controlly with everything he said. Even though they all felt nothing but guilt.

Shelly was still held hostage. She panted and shook in fear.

Rook stood his ground. "OK, OK. *sigh* I guess we all made mistakes regarding Shelly. Even me. Since I blamed both her and Shieldy for this mess. But, you must listen. To the truth. And the truth is... *deep breath*... I didn't join the game back when because I wanted to play. I joined the game to become a knight, to serve the king and queen. And above else, to have fame and glory. Being a lowly servant and peasant in the old times was hard and filled with struggles. I joined the game so I could be what I wanted and be adored by everyone!", he explained.

Controlly listened with wide eyes.

"But, when I drowned and froze, I woke up in the dream world. Where I spent many years regretting everything I have done. Regretting pursuing something for a selfish gain. Even if making something of myself wasn't selfish, the reasons for it were! And I paid for it badly! Just like you! You need to let this selfishness and greed go because your pride will lead you down a path of destruction! Just like how it did for me! So, please, let Shelly go and stop this madness. I will go peacefully with you. But, in the end, please stop and realize what you are doing!", he pleaded.

Silence filled the air. Everyone was still. It seemed like time itself had froze. Shelly looked on in awe and expectation. Controlly was shocked. He was taken aback for what he was told.

There was only one question.

Did he really fall from grace that much?

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