My Stalker

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Chapter One
I cried as I held Max, my boyfriend, in my arms. He was bleeding out pretty bad. I looked around the room we were trapped in to see if they followed me in here but I could not see anything. It was pitch black in here.

"Don't worry Max. I will get us out of here."

I cradled him in my arms and watched as he groaned. He started to cough up blood, which made my heart sink down to my toes. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and stroked his hair. The sound of a door slamming caught me off guard. Maybe it was help? "Hello?" I called out.

No response.

"Is there anyone there? My boyfriend is severely hurt and needs help."

Still no response.

The only sound that could be heard were the echoes of my cries for help. Then, out of nowhere, I stared at the dark shadowy figure that stood in front of me. My eyes widened as I watched them slowly approach us.

"Please leave us alone. Stay away!" I held Max close to me and shut my eyes, praying for this to all be a dream. My stomach felt as though it was tightening in a knot.

I tried moving Max over nice and slow as this person kept walking towards us. I froze as I watched them grab ahold of the black hood covering their face. My heart started to beat so fast that I thought I would've caught a heart attack.

My eyes began to tear up as I watched who it was standing before me. The person that tortured me and my friends for weeks. The person that sent me those threatening messages. The person that caused so much pain.

I could not believe this.

"It... it was you? It can't be."

Two months earlier...

"Max, stop it!" My boyfriend Max Jennings continued to tickle my side until I could no longer breathe. I swear he was trying to kill me!

After he stopped, I grabbed onto his arm and placed my head on his shoulder. Today marks two years that Max and I have been together. They've been the best two years of my life. Max has become a huge part of my life since we've met. I'm not even sure what I would do without him. We did practically everything together. I believe Max is my soul mate and nothing will, nor can, change my mind.

I gave him a tiny kiss on the cheek and stared into his hazel eyes. "I love you." I whispered.

"And I love you." He shot me his goofy smile and placed a quick kiss on the bridge of my nose.

"Can you guys not be so cute?"

I turned my head only to see my best friend Karen and her boyfriend Ben walking towards us. They made their way to our lunch table and sat down. Karen was twirling a strand of her honey blonde hair between her fingers while Ben was checking something on his phone.

"So," Ben said as he finally looked away from his phone's screen, "I heard that there is going to be a party at Gwen and Stacy's tonight."

I shrugged. "So?"

Karen gasped. "So? Tyler, this is the biggest party in the history of Creekview High. No one would ever top their parties."

"Last year they had DJ Khalid perform for them. It was freaking insane." Ben added.

I sighed and shot Max a helpless stare. "Are you going?" I asked as I rubbed my finger on his hand. He loved it whenever I would do that.

"I was hoping to. Why don't you come?" He asked.

"I don't know. You know how I am when it comes to parties. They aren't really my thing."

Karen grabbed my hand and squeezed it softly. "I know, which is why we will be there. You won't be alone Ty. Just live a little and crawl out of the rock you hide under."

My Stalker [Boyxboy]  Where stories live. Discover now