My Stalker

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Chapter Four
Karen and I linked arms as we walked down the school's corridor. Everybody was staring me up and down as if I were some criminal. I stopped by my locker and began to open it up. "Karen, this is getting weird," I whispered.

She let go of my arm and looked around. "Just ignore them. They're just being nosy."

I took my textbook out my bag, tossed it in my locker, and quickly slammed it shut. My eyes glared at the people around us, staring. I did not know how to react. Karen turned to me and flashed her pearly white teeth. "Just smile for me, one time?"

I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "I hope you know that I hate you."

Karen picked at her black painted nail and shrugged. "I have that effect on people."

"Hey! Ty!" A familiar voice called my name. When we both turned around, we spotted Ben making his way towards us with Max following right behind him. Why couldn't he just leave me alone?

Why must I not have a decent day? First, the dreams keeping me up all night, then the local news station hounding me with questions about Lucas, and now Max will not take the hint that I do not want to talk to him.

I grabbed Karen's arm and tugged on it. "Let's go, please. Like now."

Before we could do anything, Ben and Max caught up with us. They were in their school uniform, panting from the little jog. Max looked like a mess- his eyes had bags underneath them, his hair was messy, and it seemed like he couldn't dress either. His uniform looked completely disheveled.

"Goodmorning Ben. How was first period?" I looked up at Ben, completely ignoring Max's presence.

Ben wrapped an arm around Karen and leaned back against one of the lockers. "It was pretty okay. Max and I went to deal with some baseball meeting."

Karen turned to Ben. "Everything okay babe?"

He rubbed his face in frustration and sighed. "Yes, but with Lucas's death being the talk of the town we can't seem to move forward as a team."

I shook my head in confusion. "Wait, Lucas came here?"

Ben shook his head and moved his focus to the floor. I could not believe Lucas went to our school. I have never seen him around before, which confused me even more. How did I not recognize him?

I quickly checked my watch and tossed my bag over my shoulder. "Why don't you look at the time? I forgot about that thing I had to do at the library."

Max grabbed my wrist as I turned to walk away. I stared into his eyes and felt my heart sink to the pit of my stomach. "Ty, please talk to me. You won't answer any of my phone calls. You keep ignoring my text messages. I hope you realize that it tells me when you read them."

I pulled my wrist away from him and crossed my arms. "I don't think you understand the message that's clearly being sent. You cheated. End of story."

Ben and Karen stood there in awkward silence as I waited for Max to attempt at giving me a response back. Max's face looked just like a tomato. He must've felt so guilty which amused me. Max deserves to feel this way after what he did to me. I gave him way too many chances and this was the last straw. He needed to realize that I do not want to deal with this high school drama anymore.

After five minutes of silence, he cleared his throat.

"I know what I did was wrong and I'm sorry. It was a mistake that should not have happened."

I scoffed. "So, what, do you expect me to accept your shit apology and forget all that happened?" My heart was racing in my chest. I gave it a second before speaking back up again. "I...I don't think this is going to work. I'm sorry Max, but I can't do this anymore."

My Stalker [Boyxboy]  Where stories live. Discover now